
7zsharp.zip (1,4 MB)

7zSharp is a .NET 2.0 LGPL wrapper around the 7z LZMA SDK and executable written in C#, providing a library (DLL) wrapper and simplified API to encode and decode using the 7z library. Ability to encode: 7z (.7z), ZIP (.zip), GZIP (.gz), BZIP2 (.bz2) and TAR (.tar) Ability to decode: 7z (.7z), ZIP (.zip), GZIP (.gz), BZIP2 (.bz2) and TAR (.tar), RAR (.rar), CAB (.cab), ISO (.iso), ARJ (.arj), LZH (.lzh), CHM (.chm), Z (.Z), CPIO (.cpio), RPM (.rpm), DEB (.deb), NSIS (.nsis) Example: // encode: CompressionEngine.Current.Encoder.EncodeFromDirectory(@"C:\someDirectory", "C:\out\someDirectory.7z"); // decode: CompressionEngine.Current.Decoder.DecodeIntoDirectory(@"C:\out\someDirectory.zip", "C:\someDirectory");