Application Rapid Development Toolkit (ARD Toolkit) (3,9 MB)

ARD Toolkit is a collection of .NET C# classes that implement typical tasks and patterns an application developer faces on day-to-day basis. ARD Contains: - Data Access module provides a framework for database vendor independent database code. It has generic classes that internally operate based on configured database type. The classes return interfaces, defined in ADO.NET. - Configuration Module provides typed access to an orbitrary XML configuration file (including App.config files) through XPath specification. Allows you to encrypt and decrypt individual settings. Alows you to instantiate and initialize objects using configuration settings. Provides access to string resources. - Logging Module provides a framework for multi-category and multi-target logging. Log targets are: text file, binary file, MSMQ, Event Log etc. You can filter out messages based on category or origin location in the code. - Security Module contains classes that implement Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption, Hashing adn digital signature. By providing a common interface dealing with encryption is made easy. The module implements file based cryptography key and key generation / encryption-decryption utility. - Services Module contains classes that provide uniform interface for database or file based persistence (defined in configuration). It provides classes for common resource synchronization across different machines (either database based or file based). - State Machine Framework provides an implementation for typical State Chart with events, state transitions and actions. It is completely configurable through an XML configuration file and can be used as a Workflow Framework. - Smart Client Framework provides an implementation of Smart Client, which gets updated files from a common location. In contrast with the "One Touch Deployment" approach this framework is quite transparent and avoids unpredictible behavior.