When Field is Required, An Extra Option Is Being Added to MultiValueControl

Version: When a field is marked as Required uses a Multi-Value Control extra options can be added to the field. This occurred after refreshing the page on the work item. Usually the URL is something like: http://tfshost:8080/tfs/CollectionName/TeamProject/_workitems#_a=edit&id=17381 View attachment for example. Global list definition is: ``` <GLOBALLIST name="Test Multi List"> <LISTITEM value="[Test One]" /> <LISTITEM value="[Another Value]" /> <LISTITEM value="[Value Three]" /> </GLOBALLIST> ``` Field definition: ``` <FIELD name="Test Multi" refname="Test.Multit" type="String" reportable="dimension"> <ALLOWEXISTINGVALUE /> <SUGGESTEDVALUES expanditems="true" filteritems="excludegroups"> <GLOBALLIST name="Test Multi List" /> </SUGGESTEDVALUES> <REQUIRED /> </FIELD> ``` UI definition: ``` <Control FieldName="Test.Multi" Type="MultiValueControl" Label="Test Multi" LabelPosition="Left"> <CustomControlOptions /> </Control> ```
Type: Unassigned
Status: Proposed
Reported: 08.01.2014 12:30:01 -08:00
Priority: 0 Unassigned
Vote count: 1
Last updated: 08.01.2014 12:31:59 -08:00
Planned for release:
Attachments: 2014-01-08 12_20_45-Product Backlog Item 17381_ asdf - Microsoft Team Foundation Server.png