LCSK 2.1.0

Status: Stable
Modified: 03.01.2014 5:06:42 -08:00
LiveChat Starter Kit version 2.1.0 uses SignalR as the core communication mechanism. You can add LCSK to your ASP.NET project via NuGet {{ Install-Package LCSK }} To manually add LCSK to an existing ASP.NET app do the following: * Copy the LCSK folder to your ASP.NET 4 project * Install SignalR from your package manager window {{ Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR }} * Include the following javascript tags where you want the visitor to see the chat box: {code:html} <script src="/lcsk/jquery.signalR-2.0.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/signalr/hubs" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/lcsk/chat.js" type="text/javascript"></script> {code:html} Make sure you *already have jQuery* included before those tags. !!! Sign in as a test agent # Navigate to the /lcsk/install.html page and assign the admin and agent passwords. # You can now log in on /lcsk/agent.html using any name and either the admin or agent password. !!! Simulate a visitor # Open another browser # Open the chat box and enter a message

LCSK v1.5.2

Status: Stable
Modified: 04.06.2012 4:11:22 -07:00
New features: * Visitor location (City - Country) from geo-location * Pass configuration via javascript for the chat box * New visitor identification (no more using the IP address as visitor identification) !!! To update from 1.5.1 Run the /src/1.5.2-sql-updates.txt SQL script to update your database tables. If you have it installed via NuGet, simply update your package and the file will be included so you can run the update script. !!! New installation The easiest way to add LCSK to your app is by using NuGet {{ install-package LCSK }} And follow the LCSK-ReadMe-SQLTables.txt

LCSK v1.5.1

Status: Stable
Modified: 03.04.2012 16:07:01 -07:00
This is a new lightweight version of LCSK, with the visitor experience revamped. * Chat box with automatic detection of online/offline status * Keep the chat from page to page for visitor * Simple web-based dashboard for operator * View real-time traffic with referral Installation instructions # NuGet Installation: {{ Install-Package LCSK }} # Read the LCSK-ReadMe-SQLTables.txt file Do not hesitate to give your feedback.

LCSK v1.3

Status: Stable
Modified: 12.07.2011 3:10:41 -07:00
Quick installation instruction: 1. Create a new Virtual Directory or a new website on IIS (i.e. LCSK, LiveChat, etc) 2. Extract the ASP.NET MVC 3 application there ( 3. Edit the web.config file and put your own smtp information in the System.Net/MailSettings 4. Create a SQL database or make sure you have one accessible 5. Go to and fill the database fields 6. Install the ClickOnce operator console and click on "Configure" to set the URL for the Web Services (i.e. *** For 5 and 6 replace /LCSK/ with your virtual directory name. 7. Log in with Admin and the password set on 5, you would be able to add other operators and take chat request. Quick Customization 1. Check the Views/Home/Index for sample on how to add chat button to your pages. The images can be found on the /content/LCSK/online.jpg | offline.jpg 2. You can easily change the Views/_Layout.cshtml to include your logo and header and change the CSS and design of the chat session in /Views/LiveChat/Chat.cshtml | Session.cshtml | MailSent.cshtml. Let me know if you have trouble with something.

LCSK v1.1

Status: Stable
Modified: 13.03.2011 17:42:40 -07:00
This release contains couple of new features and bug fixes including: Features: * Send chat transcript via email * Operator can now invite visitor to chat (pro-active chat request) Bug Fixes: * Operator management (Save and Delete) bug fixes * Operator Console chat small fixes

LCSK v1.0

Status: Stable
Modified: 20.12.2010 3:06:57 -08:00
This is a working version of the LCSK for Visual Studio 2010, ASP.NET MVC 3 (using Razor View Engine). this is still provider based (with 1 provider Sql) and this is still using WebService and Windows Forms operator console. The solution is cleaner, with an installer to create tables etc. You can also install it via nuget (Install-Package lcsk) Let me know your feedback

Septembre 2007 Beta

Status: None
Modified: 21.09.2007 4:51:36 -07:00
View a video on how to setup the LiveChat Starter Kit here : [url:] Again, you may download the runtime binaries for the operator console and pre-compiled website, check out the video for more information on how to configure the application. *Please do not forget to change the WSUser value in the web.config, this serve has basic authentication for the web services methods call.* _Also note that the Memory Provider does not support multiple operators. Only one operator can accept chat requests while using this provider._ *Added: 2007/09/21* I updated the source code zip file, and the binary to reflect the last check-in. Everything should work fine.

May 2007 Alpha

Status: None
Modified: 25.08.2007 19:14:08 -07:00
This is a working, yet basic, version of the projects. It is a stable build and contains the source code of the two project: the website and the operator console. Quick installation instruction : 1. Create a virtual directory on IIS (ex: LiveChat) 2. Copy the content of the WebSite.rar. 3. Copy the content of OperatorConsole.rar anywhere on your disk) 4. Open the OperatorConsole.exe.config and change the value of OperatorConsole_LiveChatWS_Operator to the url of your virtual directory (ex: http://localhost/livechat/ Operator.asmx) 5. Start the operator console (user: operator | pass: operator) 6. Browse to the website demo page (http://localhost/livechat/) 7. You should be able to request a chat and accept it on the operator console To change the username and password of the operator, go to the web.config file of the website project, and change the value in the operatorService section to what ever you want. [Getting Started with the May 2007 Alpha release]