The Edge Extensions Project - .NET Extensions and Utilities

Contains a collection of several .NET extensions and utilities.

Extension Overflow

The purpose with this collection is to provide useful C#extension methods to boost productivity for the .net developers. The beginning of this library was the post on

Fasterflect - .NET Reflection Made Fast and Simple

This project has been moved to GitHub:

Generic Extension Methods

Generic Extension Methods is a class library of extension methods to help create cleaner code that is easier to maintain and provides better semantic meaning for casual observers. These methods also remove a lot of repetitive code that is utilized across objects of similar types

.NET Extension Library (265 kB)
The .NET Extension Library adds common functionality to .NET's system libraries. Most new features are added to existing types via extension methods. The rest of the features are either new classes or improvements to existing classes (such as the introduction of an ICache interface for greater abstraction). The goal is to provide a standard set of useful functionality to your existing toolset. Here's a brief example that demonstrates 2 extensions, as well as the improved cache API: User user = CacheFactory.GetInstance.Fetch("user.{0}".Sub(userId), () => _dataStore.GetUser(userId), 3.DaysFromNow()); 1 - CacheFactory returns an instance of ICache, which helps decouple your code from the underlying caching implementation (it currently returns an HttpRuntime.Cache object) 2 - Fetch is a mix between Get and Insert - if Get returns null, the Func<T> callback is invoked, stored and returned 3 - The string.Sub() extension method is a short alias to string.Format 4 - int.DaysFromNow() is one of many neat integer extension methods that make it easier to deal with dates

Process Privileges

Privileges determine the type of system operations that a process can perform. Process Privileges is a set of extension methods, written in C#, for System.Diagnostics.Process. It implements the functionality necessary to query, enable, disable or remove privileges on a process.

See.Sharper (772 kB)
Hopefully useful C# extensions.

YouTube API Download Extension

The YouTube API Download Extension makes it easier for developers, who are using the official YouTube API, to download videos from within their applications, by extending the Google GData .NET Client Library and adding the missing download support. It's developed in C#.