Enterprise ASP.NET Suite

Incorporates everything you need for an enterprise ASP.NET application into a suite of easy-to-use libraries. There's support for easy localization, e-mail (and e-mail templating with localization), custom configuration on a per-machine basis, URL rewriting, Windows services with UAC, payment gateway processing, and more. Pick and choose what you want in your site. Utilize all the features or just a few - it's as extensible as you need it to be.


DNAide.zip (3,2 MB)
A framework of useful aide (helper) methods targeting web developers including a powerful but easy to use url rewriter, image manipulation (thumbnails, effects, easy to create text based images), sitemap enhancements integrating with seamlessly with the url rewriter, webcontrols, as well as more lower level type conversion helpers etc.

Open Portal Foundation

Open Portal Foundation is a network based solution for creating scalable portals and provides a uniform customer experience. It completly separates Web Design, Web content and Web engine. It provides design theming, Content Management support and Agnostic authentication support.