BeepComp - Chiptune Creator (79,5 MB)
BeepComp lets you compose nice Chiptunes with the sounds of old 8-bit machines.


Simple Audio Game System written with OpenAL to be used with Ogre3D.

Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe (55,6 MB)
Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe is a finished project. It is near tic-tac-toe in rules and gameplay, except played on a 4x4 grid and you need to get 4 in a row to win. You play against a friend (or yourself) and there is optional background music. This is the first project I've ever undertaken, and is also the first 'real' program I've done, except for "hello world" type things. I programed it using c++ and SDL, so it should be completely cross-platform. I was only able to provide a Windows binary, but I was able to easily and quickly build it on Linux. Instructions are included in the README file.

XNA Toolkit

Toolkit of Components, Services, Wrappers, and Utilities for use in your XNA game. Currently provides a Stationary and First Person Camera component, Input service and component, Audio wrapper, and EventLogger (Windows Only). Weapon inventory, menu system, and performance tracking components will be added to the library soon.