BI Report Automation Publisher

The BI Report Automation Publisher is a command line tool + .net library which provides a more automated way to move reports between servers/environments. Useful when using PerformacnePoint (PPS), Proclarity Analytic Server (PAS) or MOSS/Sharepoint

DevScope Microsoft BI Samples

DevScope Microsoft Business Intelligence Samples

Load Excel Files Into SQL Server. No schema changes requiered! (5,0 MB)
Load Excel files into SQL Database for further processing, analysis and validation. Without schema changes!

InfoReporter OLAP & SQL Report -Tool (134,5 MB)
Report Tool for Excel files, databases, Analysis Services and many more datasources InfoReporter a free report tool, any way free for all of you having excel :). MDX SQL OLAP ANALYSIS SERVICES SQLSERVER

OLAP PivotTable Extensions

An Excel add-in which extends the functionality of PivotTables on Analysis Services cubes and of the Excel Data Model (Power Pivot)