AllegroNET (155 kB)
AllegroNET is a Silverlight's implementation of Allegro library ( The goal is to get completed library for fast/easy 2D bitmap manipulations, including sprites, collision detection and rest features for common 2D games.

Asterisk .NET (251 kB)
Several .NET versions of a very simple BBC Micro game in which you navigate through screens of asterisks without crashing.

Balder - 3D engine for Silverlight (225,2 MB)
3D graphics engine, targetting Silverlight, Windows Phone 7, Xna and OpenGL.


BubbleBurst is an addictive game written in WPF. It is the subject of the "Advanced MVVM" e-book.

Counter Strike Live (14,5 MB)
web Browser based online 2d Shooter, clone of Counter Strike. It supports multiplayer game over internet or lan. And its Free to play! open souce!

Game Engine (EmlenMud) Revival/Rewrite (2,8 MB)
This EmlenMud revival project is an attempt to bring old MUD game code into the 21st century, using new technologies such as C# 3.5, WCF, Silverlight, and LINQ. This game engine is currently made available for learning purposes only.

Farseer Physics Engine

The Farseer Physics Engine is an easy to use 2D physics engine that focuses on simplicity, useful features and enabling the creation of fun and dynamic games.

Farseer Physics Engine Simple Samples

As you might know, the original Farseer Physics Engine samples can be alittle hard to understand at first sight. Therefore I have created a small collection of "Simple Samples" / tutorials which shows you how to do different things with the engine, as simples as possible.

Foo Bar Football

An open source C# football simulation engines featuring intelligent agents. Heavily inspired by sports interactives football manager.

Gem Blaster (595 kB)
An entertaining game written for Silverlight 1.1 / 2.0. Click sets of adjacent gems that share the same color and see how high you can score. (1,2 MB)
Online Fun Community (OFC)

Learning Games

WPF application containing simple games for teaching reading and arithmetic to children.

Mud Designer (33,7 MB)
The Mud Designer allows developers a quick and simple approach to generating text based game content and an easier way to manage their MUD games.

WP7 Game : MushroomPicker

MushroomPicker is my development game for daughter MarketPlace URL:

SilverNibbles (1,6 MB)
A Silverlight version of the Microsoft QBasic Nibbles game, also available in a WinForms version. Nibbles is a game for one or two players.

WP7 Game : PhotoPuzzle

This is a man of little game development MarketPlace URL:

PlanetX for Silverlight (2,2 MB)
PlanetX is a simple space strategy game. The goal is conquer all the enemy planets. Instructions: Select planet: left mouse button Attack planet: right mouse button Change fleet percent: mouse wheel You can try the game: [url=]

WP7 Game : PriceWar

Try find out the most heavy fruit related to those situation. When you find out right fruit ,game will become more diffcute as well the score will be more;if not ,game will become easier.

Roids: an asteroids clone for Silverlight and XNA (6,4 MB)
An example of a simple game cross-compiling for both Silverlight and XNA using SilverSprite.

Rubik's Cube (5,8 MB)
A 3D Rubik's Cube game for Silverlight