.NETTER Code Starter Pack

codebox.zip (5,7 MB)
This is a gallery of *Visual Studio 2010* solutions leveraging latest and new technologies released by Microsoft. Each Visual Studio solution included here is focused to provide a very simple starting point for cutting edge development technologies and framework.

Encryption with WCF RIA Services and Silverlight using MVVM

Crypt.zip (658 kB)
Web application using Silverlight 4.0, MVVM and WCF RIA services to encrypt/decrypt a multiline text.

Project Niagara

Niagara.zip (36,0 MB)
An alternative way to supply validation metadata for use in Silverlight projects. Secondary goal of the project is to provide Validation services to ADO.NET Data Services and Web Services to provide parity with RIA Services.


Rialternative is lightweight framework to industrialize developments with Silverlight and WCF RIA Services

RIA Services Essentials

The RIA Services Essentials project contains sample applications/extensions demonstrating using and extending WCF RIA Services v1.