Addon Nice Server 1.0 for MS CRM 4 or 3 (46,0 MB)
Addon Nice Server could look like a simple CMS as DotNetNuke or Umbraco, but its usage is wider because it relies on and extends Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4. It requires MS CRM, ASP.NET, IIS 7 and SQL Server 2008 and is built with Visual Studio 2010 using C#, ASP.NET, Css, javascript and .NET 4.0. Addon Nice takes its strength from its powerful wrapper which allows addressing CRM 3 and CRM 4 using the same API. The wrapper's roles are multiple: - It prevents recompiling your code as soon as you customize a CRM entity, working totally on Dynamic entities calls to the CRM Server, - It simplifies the CRM API, allowing a more natural way of writing c# code, no needs to bother with opening the server, preparing special data structures, all is done inside the wrapper, - It propagates the MS CRM security based on CRM users roles to its pages and modules architecture, taking care to assume the transparent authentication and authorisation whatever the CRM Server installation is (IFD, AD or Online), - It provides a base DynEntity class from which inherit all MS CRM related entities allowing to use inherence and intellisense when extending CRM entities. The modular approach allows combining modules to create pages which could be used directly inside an external web application or inside any CRM entity dedicated Form. Just like SharePoint, Addon Nice Server uses 2 web sites: one for management, the other being the public view. The whole Addon Nice Site is highly customisable with parameters for the site (and any extension), for each page and each module occurence. With a notion of familly of modules, the parameters could be shared between several modules occurences in the same or different pages, allowing extended features not available on other CMS. Addon Nice also defines functional package optionally installed with version checking. Working with Addon Nice could as simple as using the (50+) existing modules, dedicated or not to CRM, but also writing your own's.

Application Parameters for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Managed solution that adds entities to managed typed parameters for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

awesome crm audit (104 kB)
This audit report show case crm user summary user wise entity wise attached guide for further record reference Note : This report involves 1. creation of SP

Connection Controls for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Connection Controls for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 makes it easier for developer to implement discovery and authentication mechanism in their winform projects. You'll no longer have to code discovery, selection and use of a connection to CRM 2011 server.

CRM 2011 Appender for log4net

The CRM 2011 Appender is a custom appender for log4net. Instead of the basic file appender that writes log messages to a file, the CRM 2011 Appender will write log messages to your custom log entity inside your CRM 2011 organization. The advantage of the CRM 2011 Appender is that you can view all the log messages within your CRM organization rather than a file stored on the server. This project provides the CRM 2011 Appender dll and a sample Log entity that could be used to write your log messages to.

CRM 2011 Autonumbering Solution

This is a solution for crm 2011 for autonumbering the configurated entity. As an unmanaged solution, files included are: 1. A plugin for sequence generation 2. A custom entity for configuration 3. Three icons for the custom entity. Please report if there are problems.

Dynamics CRM 2011 T4 Code Generator

This application allows developers to generate code based on Dynamics CRM 2011 metadata and T4 templates.

CRM 2011 Currency Updater

Framework to autoupdate currencies in CRM 2011

CRM 2011/2015 Distribute Workflow Activity

This plugin allows to execute a workflow for each entity that has a 1:N or N:N relationship to a given entity.

CRM 2011 Duplicate Detection Toolkit

The way CRM 2011 handles duplicates has always been a bit of a mystery to me. Detection of duplicates through matchcodes is quite straightforward, but reporting on them and understanding the effectiveness of deduplication rules is difficult, and this is compounded by the CRM 2011 UI, which allows to check duplicates only one by one. So I decided to do a little research, of which this project is a result. It contains a set of stored procedures that allow to obtain a list of duplicates that can then be consolidated in a report. At a minimum, one can see how duplicates are related to each other by looking at the queries. This is not for the faint-hearted, you need to have some good understanding of the CRM 2011 data structure and, of course, of T-SQL. Please note that this is not by any means an official way to look at duplicates, it is only my understanding, obtained by reverse engineering. Also note that if you run the scripts in this project you will end up with three stored new procedures in your CRM database schema. Although the procedures are quite harmless, this might cause problems when you install rollups or upgrades, therefore it is suggested that you remove them before any major re-haul of the deployment. Please also note the following good practices: - Thoroughly test on your pre-production environment before deploying into production. Even better: do not deploy to production. If you have a pre-production environment that is a close mirror to production, running the procedures in pre-production will give you the same value than running them in production. - Only run these procedures when few or no users are online, especially if you have a large database.

CRM 2011 Entity Maps

This is a simply utility to display all of the available entity mappings in one interface. An added benefit is that it displays the "hidden" mappings

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Event Binder

Bind form events for CRM 2011 entities without drilling into a CRM form entity. An easier way to manage CRM jJavascript events.

CRM 2011 Excel Data Model Addin

CRM 2011 Excel Data Model Add-In helps to customize CRM data model through excel sheets.

CRM 2011 Internal Email Helpers (moved to GitHub) (no longer maintained)

Some useful custom workflow activities when dealing with CRM emails.

CRM 2011 Metadata Browser

The CRM 2011 Metadata Browser allows you to view metadata including Entities, Attributes and Relationships.. The tool also allows you to export to excel.

CRM 2011 Metro Contacts

This project contains a sample of how to retrieve Contacts from CRM 2011 using HTML 5 and JavaScript in a Windows 8 Metro style app.

Dynamics CRM OData Query Designer

The CRM 2011 OData Query Designer allows you to build and exexcute OData REST queries by selecting filter criteria, select attributes and order by attributes.

CRM 2011 Plugin Testing Tools

This solution is meant to make unit testing of plugins in CRM 2011 a simpler and more efficient process. This solution serializes the objects that the CRM server passes to a plugin on execution and then offers a library that allows you to deserialize them in a unit test.

E4D CRM 2011 Ribbon Utility

E4D CRM 2011 Ribbon Utility helps you speed Dynamics CRM 2011 Ribbon customization. Ribbon customization tasks can be exhausting, as it require many iterations, mouse clicks and input. This utility does the heavy lifting for you: it will zip, upload and publish automatically!

CRM 4 to CRM 2011 JavaScript Converter

CRM 4 to CRM 2011 JavaScript Converter tool helps convert scripts to the latest CRM 2011 Form scripting Client API. Upgrade CRM 4 script to CRM 2011