Advanced SQL Server Dependencies

Advanced SQL Server Dependencies allows you to discover dependencies between database objects across multiple servers and databases.

Assembly Analyzer (27,1 MB)
Assembly Analyzer allows the user to view the resources and metadata contained within .NET assemblies. It also contains a disassembler that displays source code for methods and dependencies, including call graphs.

Crude - .Net Dependency Management (482 kB)
Crude is light dependency management for .net, there was no dependency management solution for .net as Maven or Ivy until now.

.Net Dependencies

.Net Dependencies provides different views of the dependencies between a serie of assemblies. This application is developed in C# with the framework .Net 4.0 but works as well with assemblies generated with an other version of the framework.

Dependency Checker

Dependency Checker is a utility for verifying that a set of prerequisites is present on a machine. The set of dependencies is defined in a configuration file. For more information, see


The goal is to generate MsBuild script for building multiple projects that are specified in input. MsBuilderific then find and detect every dependencies between the projects (either project reference or file reference) and produce a dependency graph to construct the build script.

Project Dependency Browser for C#/.NET

Project Dependency Browser scans a directory for Visual Studio projects and shows their project, assembly and NuGet dependencies in a flexible user interface.

Refix - .NET dependency management (20,3 MB)
Refix solves the problem of binary dependency management in .NET solutions. Refix is the only binary you'll need to commit to your source code repository!

SQL Director for Dependencies & Indexes

SQL Director for Dependencies helps you track Microsoft SQL Server Object Dependencies. SQL Director for Dependencies will help you see where a certain objects such as a Stored Procedure or Table is used in various Stored Procedures, Views, Functions, Jobs and SSRS Reports.

SYS2 DMVs (34 kB)
A collection of scripts that simplify the usage of SQL Server 2005 and over DMVs, avoiding the user to have to write queries with tons of joins and allowing him to have directly the results he needs.

Visual Studio Dependencies Manager for Visual Studio 2008 (1,1 MB)
Visual Studio extension enables you to share and manage your binary dependencies. This extension provides a way to publish your binaries in a repository in order to share them among your team. With the designer, you can easily view all the solution's dependencies.