Altairis Web Security Toolkit

Set of ASP.NET providers (Membership, Role, Profile) which can be bound to simple and highly configurable table structure on Microsoft SQL Server or use plain text file instead of database. Also includes basic authentication module for IIS 7.0

Alternate SQL Provider Scripts

Like using the default SQL Provider implementations from Microsoft shipped as part of the .Net Install package? so do we. Hate the fact that the lack of database schemas and use of table naming practices straight out of SQL 7? so do we.

ASP.NET Desktop Membership Manager Application

This project aims to make it possible to manage ASP.Net Membership within the initial life cycle stages of your web application. Membership, profile and role configuration and role management Membership profile role configuration role management

ASP.NET Xml Security Providers

Implementation of XML ASP.NET Providers (XmlRoleProvider, XmlMembershipProvider and XmlProfileProvider).

Azure Membership, Role, Profile, and Session-State Providers

Complete ASP.NET solution that uses the Azure Table Storage and Azure Blob storage as a data source for a custom Membership, Role, Profile, an Session-State providers. Developed in C# on the .NET 4 framework using Azure SDK V1.5. Get up and running with Azure in no time.

Community Kit for SharePoint (73,6 MB)
The Community Kit for SharePoint is a set of best practices, templates, Web Parts, tools, and source code that enables practically anyone to create a community website based on SharePoint technology for practically any group of people with a common interest.

CodeFirst Membership Provider

Custom Membership Provider built with Entity Framework Code-First, for use in ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebForms.

CodeFx.MySqlProviders: Membership, Personnalization, Profile and Role providers

CodeFx.MySqlProviders is a set of providers: MySqlMembershipProvider, MySqlPersonnalizationProvider, MySqlProfileProvider, MySqlRoleProvider based on SqlProviders implementations for MySql using the CodeFx Framework. This is a example of CodeFx use. Those providers are in production with the site since may 2007. This assembly can be used in a medium trust environnement. The tables for membership, personnalization, profile and role have the same structure as the Sql Server tables. A file for the database creation is delivered with the solution. *****************French Version CodeFx.MySqlProviders est un ensemble de fournisseurs: MySqlMembershipProvider, MySqlPersonnalizationProvider, MySqlProfileProvider, MySqlRoleProvider développés sur le même principe que l'implémentation SqlServer mais en utilisant le framework CodeFx. C'est un exemple d'utilisation de ce framework. L'assemblie du projet peut être utilisée dans un environnement Medium Trust. Les tables MySql pour le membership, personnalisation, profile et role ont la même structure que les tables équivalentes Sql Server. Un fichier de création de la database est livré avec la solution.

db4o ASP.NET Providers

Custom ASP.NET providers which use db4o as back-end. Beginning with Membership Provider, Role Provider, and Profile Provider. Code is based on MSDN sample code and is unit-tested. Version 2.0 uses db4o 8.0 and C# 4.0.

DBLinq.MySqlProviders: .Net providers for MySql based on DBLinq.MySql

.NET Providers (Membership, Role) for MySql based on the framework DBLinq under MIT license and CodeFx.MySqlProviders under GNU licence, author Laurent Morisseau.


MultiCore is a compute cloud wrapper written in c# and supports a simple db role, membership and profile provider. Also offers support for easier Simple DB access. Includes the latest amazon libraries. Azure support coming soon.

Ado.Net Entity Framework Membership Provider (Code first)

ADO.Net Framework Code First Membership Provider With YOUR OPTIONAL DATABASE DESIGN Manage the Roles and User Accounts with Asp. C#, VB.Net, F#, MVC, MVC2, MVC3, Asp.Net, WCF

Facebook Connect Authentication for ASP.NET

Facebook Connect Authentication for ASP.NET is a component that allows ASP.NET web developers to identify and validate users accessing their website or web services using Facebook Connect. It is written in C#, targeted at .NET 2.0.

Facebook Membership Provider

Facebook Membership Provider

Integrated Authentication & Authorization (2,9 MB)
The goal of this project is developing an authentication, authorization, and profile provider web service to provide security services to the other web application (consumers) with central web based management application to manage users, roles and users in roles. It's based on MS provider model (MembershipProvider, RoleProvider, ProfileProvider) and easily could be used in the security consumer application.

Independence - Consulting Time Tracking and Billing ASP.NET Project

The goal of the the Independence Project is to create a very simple interface for consultants to track time on projects and bill for projects. Although there are a lot of solutions for this out there, they tend to fairly complex...simplicity is the goal with Independence.


This is an ASP.NET 2.0 web application using standard connection components : Login, LoginView, LoginSatus, LoginName, PasswordRecovery, CreateUserWizard and ChangPassword, to manage all things concerning users's registration and authentication in your web applications. You can also create roles and manage users in roles. You just have to put the LoginModule.NET in the same virtual directory of the application you want to manage and configure the web.config. This project is full compatible with the data base aspnetdb.mdf new in ASP.NET 2.0.

Membership PowerShell Provider (2,0 MB)
The Membership PowerShell Provider makes managing your ASP.NET Membership accounts easy and friendly. It provides a configurable "users" drive you can use to interact with the Membership provider as if it were a file system.

MvcBlanket (5,0 MB)
Small but powerfull library to use in ASP.NET MVC Web Application development.