Block SharePoint Designer HttpModule

Block SharePoint Designer access for an entire web application except for a designated Active Directory group. You can restrict SPD users of any permission level, including site collection owners and even the SharePoint service account! Two .wsp files add & deploy an HttpModule.

MOSS Designer Workflow Activities

There are a number of Sharepoint Designer activities that I think should be available within the Designer, but they are not currently there.

Referential Integrity in SharePoint 2007 (MOSS)

Referential integrity for lookup columns is a very neat feature in SharePoint 2010. I came across a requirement to provide referential integrity in MOSS. I used SharePoint designer workflow to get this feature. I am going to explain how we can achieve “Restrict delete” in MOSS.

Artezio SharePoint 2013 Workflow Activities for VS & Actions for Designer

SharePoint Workflow 2013 doesn’t provide activities for permissions, we've fixed it using HttpSend activity and REST API calls. SharePoint Designer supported.

Custom Activity for SharePoint Designer 2013

The project gives you more activities for SharePoint Designer 2013. It will be helpful for you.

Useful Sharepoint Designer Custom Workflow Activities

This project takes aim at making it easier to create advanced workflows using Sharepoint Designer by providing a set of custom workflow activities.

SharePoint Designer Workflow Extensions (custom actions)

Provides the ability to create generic C# (and potentially other managed .NET) code implemented as an extension to SharePoint Designer. The project comes about in response to a specific problem: out of the box, SPD provides very basic and limited string manipulation functions. A particular project required a String.Replace() function and that is simply unavailable in SPD. This project provides both a set of pre-built functions as well as providing a method for developer end users to easily implement and use their own extensions when creating SPD workflows. Vision: - Provide a full set of string manipulation functions (e.g. ToLower, ToUpper, SubString, Index, etc). - Enable programmers to create their own .dll's and following interface rules, easily execute their code from SPD. - Package this as a solution. This project is managed by Paul Galvin of Conchango. Feel free to contact me here: Please visit my blog at