A Microblog API (SINA weibo.com open API in C#, .Net实现的新浪微博API)

AMicroBlogAPI is a C# implementation, a strong-typed deep encapsulation, a easy-to-use .net lib of SINA microblog APIs. App developers no longer need to parse various HTTP responses -- all responses are parsed into strong types; No longer need to construt the request query strings -- just simply gives the values of parameters; No longer need to implement the OAuth -- a single call could logs the user on.


clipoff.zip (2,9 MB)
Clipoff is a free and lightweight tool to share your screenshots. You can create screenshots and share them to facebook, twitter, 微博, 人人网 in one click.


deeweibo.zip (1,7 MB)


dotNetDR_OAuth2 是用微软.NET平台的C#语言编写的,他是一款支持OAuth2.0协议的微型类库!目前支持新浪微博、腾讯微博、网易微博、人人网(不建议)。


gate.zip (11 kB)
在Windows Phone中设置代理,通过Windows Phone原生的人脉应用来实现微博功能。

Pawing Weibo

Pawing.zip (19,3 MB)
Pawing Weibo A WPF Weibo Client for SinaWeibo

新浪微博 sina weibo - SocialKit

sina.zip (1,2 MB)
sina weibo .NET libraries and applications.

Tencent Weibo SDK On WP7

腾迅微博 Open API 官方 SDK,实现Open API功能的封装,从而使开发者更有效率的使用这些API

Weibo API library

Sina Weibo API library is NOT based on OAuth, but it is much more powerful in operating weibo activities via program. Major usage: 1. Rebot 2. Archive content


WeiBoDIY.zip (16 kB)
Personal WeiBo 发布台。


新浪微博WP7平台官方SDK 包含功能: 1,OAuth鉴权 2,包含了授权页和发送/分享微博页的UI 2,对微博常用接口封装 3,支持对大部分微博接口访问 备注:有问题请发微博@预备影帝


WeiboWPSdk.zip (568 kB)
To make wp applications about sina weibo more easily.