Fasterflect - .NET Reflection Made Fast and Simple

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Native Browser Addin for Visual Studio

The Native Browser Addin for Visual Studio (Beta) is a Visual Studio 2005/2008 AddIn for browsing exported methods of native libraries. In later versions there will be support for inserting Methods into your solution.

Polymorph Framework (409 kB)
The Polymorph Framework is a high level code generation framework for generating MSIL directly. Nearly any project using .Net Reflection can benefit in some way by using the Polymorph Framework.


The Project aims to show how one can build a compiler using C# and the Reflection.Emit namespace. The name of the language is SLANGFOR.NET ( Simple LANGuage FOR .net )

[Ex] Vczh Library++ (18,6 MB)
A general purpose script engine platform for hosting scripting languages of multiple levels, with a set of predefined script languages and a library for building new script languages. Also, linq on C++ and a high level string processing library(including regex) are provided.