LINQ to AD (1 017 kB)
LINQ to AD (Active Directory) provides ways of querying Active Directory using LINQ syntax and Lambda expressions.

ADO.NET & LINQ & Entity Framework Samples (8,5 MB)
ADO.NET & LINQ & Entity Framework Samples

Tutorial: ADO.NET Entity Framework (with Source Code)

Tutorial: ADO.NET Entity Framework (with Source Code) Find further explications and a mored detailed step-by-step guide on my Blog:

ADO.NET Samples

ADO.NET Samples

AdvGenCMS (43,5 MB)
AdvGenCMS is a ASP.Net simple CMS. It is implemented by C#, LINQ and MVC with TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor. That can be the foundation of your web framework!

Visual Image Processing

Visual Image processing for 2d or 3d real-time video or still image from camera or web cam or scanner ...

anito.NET - Object Relational Mapping Framework (10,2 MB) is an under development, simple, open source Object Relational Mapping framework for .Net that aims to speed up database-driven development through reusable patterns and database independent solutions. Supported database MS-SQL, MySQL, SQLite and MongoDB

Another Blog

This project is for Another Blog engine, that has the latest Microsoft development technologies.

aQuery.js (281 kB)
aQuery.js is an JavaScript Array Library that is designed to work with modern browsers, not so modern browsers, and node.js.

Linq Expression Tree Serialization

Easy to use and integrate component which serializes Linq expression trees to and from XML.

ASP.NET (101,0 MB)
This project gives you access to the code for upcoming releases that the ASP.NET team is working on, starting with the ASP.NET MVC Framework.

ASP.NET Portal Starter Kit v4.5

The ASP.NET Portal Starter Kit demonstrates how you can use ASP.NET and the .NET Framework to build a dynamic portal application.

AuctionSite Starter Kit (9,7 MB)
A starterkit to provide community members with an understanding of the .net 3.0 / 3.5 technology, including Ajax and LINQ

AxLINQ (384 kB)
AxLINQ provides a LINQ like query syntax for the X++ language found in Dynamics Ax. enumerator = xFrom(myInt).in(myIntArray) .where(myInt > 10) .orderBy(myInt) .select(myInt).getEnumerator();

Azure User Management System (41 kB)
Azure User Management System is an ASP.NET Ajax-enabled Application which uses Windows Azure,Silverlight,WCF and a Database over SQL Data Services.

Better Azure Table Storage (2,6 MB)
Better Azure Table Storage provides an API for accessing Azure Table Storage. Functionality includes querying multiple inherited types out of the same table and support for Enum properties.

Best Buy Remix API

This is the C# API for Best Buy Remix, which is Best Buy's associate program.

Bindable LINQ

Bindable LINQ is a set of extensions to LINQ that add data binding and change propagation capabilities to standard LINQ queries.

AtomSite (54,8 MB)
AtomSite (BlogService) is a standards-based online publishing platform. It's free, open, and uses Microsoft's newest web framework. It'll have your new website or blog up in a snap.

Biological Object Library (494 kB)
The Biological Object Library (BOL) is a software development toolkit (SDK) for bioinformatics and computational biology in .NET framework.