Dependency Finder

Dependency Finder is a tool that can help you get an overview of which projects and assemblies are refered and from where. The idea is that you choose a "root" folder. The application then recursivly goes through all the subfolders and find all your project files, .csproj that is

DocProject for Sandcastle (33,4 MB)
DocProject drives the Sandcastle help generation tools using the power of Visual Studio 2005/2008 and MSBuild. Choose from various Visual Studio project templates that build compiled help 1.x, 2.x, or an ASP.NET help web site for all project references and external sources.

Shopping Cart .NET

Full ASP.NET shopping cart developed in C# using .NET 4.0 Dynamic Data and REST ADO.NET Data Services The project includes: Database scripts, Store front, admin CMS and a full Visual Studio 2010 solution. Social intergration with product comments and tag cloud control. Included is also Authorize.Net Advanced Integration Method (AIM), Paypal Pro API WCF integration and Google Checkout API

patterns & practices - Smart Client Guidance (181,5 MB)
Welcome to the Community workspace of patterns & practices Smart Client offerings.