
ajaxdoc.zip (200 kB)
This application generates documentation for Atlas client script libraries.

DocMounter, visual tool to document .NET libraries using Sandcastle

docmounter.zip (7,6 MB)
DocMounter is a handy visual tool to document your .NET assemblies and produce HxS (MSHelp2) help solutions, HTML manuals and standard XML documentation files using the Sandcastle compiler. Very simple but effective, no need to learn special documentation languages such as MAML.

DocProject for Sandcastle

DocProject.zip (33,4 MB)
DocProject drives the Sandcastle help generation tools using the power of Visual Studio 2005/2008 and MSBuild. Choose from various Visual Studio project templates that build compiled help 1.x, 2.x, or an ASP.NET help web site for all project references and external sources.

Emotiv Engine Client

Provides an event-driven .NET framework wrapper around the managed Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset API.


HelpAssistant provides users of Sandcastle Help File Builder easiest way to automatically create help elements such as: - links to help topics, - media-links to the images, - tokens, - links to external resources, - code entities from DLL's. HelpAssistant is developed in C#.


immdocnet.zip (2,1 MB)
ImmDoc .NET is a command-line utility for generating HTML documentation from a set of .NET assemblies and XML files created by the compiler. It's developed in C#.

MSBuild Extended Tasks

A collection of tasks that perform tasks to help automate the entire build process.

MSBuild Launch Pad (mPad)

This is just another shell extension for MSBuild to enable quick execution of MSBuild scripts via Windows Explorer context menu.

MSBuild script for Sandcastle

A set of scripts that make it possible to build Sandcastle help files with MSBuild.


nemulation.zip (8,9 MB)
NEmulation is .NET based framework library for virtualization, emulation, and software testing. It provides an easy platform to build and test any kind of software.


A re-usable framework and Toolsets to integrate MSbuild,MSTest,Nunit,SVN,VSS,VSTS,NCover,VstsCodeCoverage,Ndepend,Fxcop,StyleCop,CAT.net,IIS deployment tasks,DB tasks from a cool WebInterface.

Sandcastle Assist

SandAssist.zip (12,8 MB)
Sandcastle Assist project aims to provide a .NET library that will make it easier to use the Sandcastle tool, a documentation compiler for .NET libraries.

Sandcastle - Documentation Compiler for Managed Class Libraries

Sandcastle.zip (49,7 MB)
Sandcastle produces accurate, MSDN style, comprehensive documentation by reflecting over the source assemblies and optionally integrating XML Documentation Comments. Sandcastle has the following key features: * Works with or without authored comments * Supports Generics and .NET

Visual Studio 2005 Add-In Suite

The current Sandcastle release isn't very user friendly. Capturing all the functionality in a Visual Studio 2005 Add-In makes more sense.

Sandcastle Extensions

A set of components that provide some missing features in original Sandcastle distribution.

Sandcastle Help File Builder

SHFB.zip (204,3 MB)
A standalone GUI and Visual Studio integration package providing full configuration and extensibility for building help files with the Sandcastle tools.

ShoBiz - BizTalk Documentation Tool for Sandcastle

shobiz.zip (18,3 MB)
BizTalk tool that generates Sandcastle documentation from BizTalk artifacts deployed into the databases. Promotes documentation as part of the solution lifecycle. Documentation structure mimics the Admin Console and extracts documentation comments from all sources.

vbaMavenTooltask: MSBuild Tooltask for vbaMaven

This tooltask is an alternative to the initial Apache/Ant script used to call the vbaMaven, and a good start in migrating vbaMaven to dotnet..

White Tie (Moved to GitHub)

whitetie.zip (2,9 MB)
White Tie extends your Visual Studio projects to make NuGet packaging, compiling documentation and deploying your open source software much easier.

XML Schema Documenter

xsddoc.zip (128,4 MB)
XML Schema Documenter is a Sandcastle Help File Builder plug-in that allows you to integrate reference documentation for XML schemas in your help files.