CodeFx.MySqlProviders: Membership, Personnalization, Profile and Role providers

CodeFx.MySqlProviders is a set of providers: MySqlMembershipProvider, MySqlPersonnalizationProvider, MySqlProfileProvider, MySqlRoleProvider based on SqlProviders implementations for MySql using the CodeFx Framework. This is a example of CodeFx use. Those providers are in production with the site since may 2007. This assembly can be used in a medium trust environnement. The tables for membership, personnalization, profile and role have the same structure as the Sql Server tables. A file for the database creation is delivered with the solution. *****************French Version CodeFx.MySqlProviders est un ensemble de fournisseurs: MySqlMembershipProvider, MySqlPersonnalizationProvider, MySqlProfileProvider, MySqlRoleProvider développés sur le même principe que l'implémentation SqlServer mais en utilisant le framework CodeFx. C'est un exemple d'utilisation de ce framework. L'assemblie du projet peut être utilisée dans un environnement Medium Trust. Les tables MySql pour le membership, personnalisation, profile et role ont la même structure que les tables équivalentes Sql Server. Un fichier de création de la database est livré avec la solution.

DBLinq.MySqlProviders: .Net providers for MySql based on DBLinq.MySql

.NET Providers (Membership, Role) for MySql based on the framework DBLinq under MIT license and CodeFx.MySqlProviders under GNU licence, author Laurent Morisseau.

phpBB 3.0 Membership & Role Provider

The objective of this library is providing an easy access to phpBB 3.0 user accounts trought Membership and Role Providers.