DAL.zip (230 kB)
OOP Data Access Layer for .net 2.0

DB Compare

dbcompare.zip (86,7 MB)
DB Compare is a simple utility that compares the schema (Tables, Views, and Stored Procedures) of two SQL Server databases.


MyDbUtils.zip (338 kB)
Generate script file from a MSSQL database to create or alter * Stored Procedures * Functions * Views * Triggers

RAD Studio Code Generation Toolkit

radstudio.zip (189,4 MB)
RAD Studio is the ultimate class object creator / stored procedure generator and data tier creator for C# and other Visual Studio developers.


sp_wcProject is a stored procedure designed to allow you to easily define the projection of columns used in a table, view, or table valued function and then optionally run the query. The column names may be specified using wildcards, hence the "wc" name prefix.