adMob for Windows Phone 7 (94 kB)
This project aims to provide Windows Phone 7 developers an opportunity to monetize their free applications. The output of the project is a User Control that can be dropped into any Silverlight page.


Bouncesample is a basic framework for creating Silverlight-based Windows Phone 7 games which meet the mandate that two presses of the Back button exit the user out of the game. It contains a Main Menu, an Options Menu, a "Game", and a Pause Menu.

Bxf (Basic XAML Framework) (568 kB)
Basic Xaml Framework (Bxf) is a simple, streamlined set of UI components designed to demonstrate the minimum framework functionality required to make MVVM work well while leveraging the Visual Studio 2010 XAML designer ("Cider"). Bxf works with Silverlight, WPF and WP7.

DevPhone Toolkit

The DevPhone for Windows Phone Toolkit provide the developer community with new components, functionality, and an efficient way to help shape product development. The releases include open source code, samples & docs, plus design-time support for the Windows Phone platform.

Gas Mileage for Windows Phone 7 (143 kB)
Gas Mileage for Windows Phone 7 lets you easily track your gas mileage on your phone. Just enter a little bit of information every time you fill up your gas and Gas Mileage will take care of the number crunching.

NLog - Advanced .NET Logging (287,1 MB)
NLog is a logging platform for .NET with rich log routing and management capabilities. It uses familar logger pattern known from log4xxx. NLog is very easy to use and configure. Advanced routing options include buffering, asynchronous logging, load balancing, failover, and more.

nRoute Framework (16,3 MB)
nRoute is a composite application framework for creating navigation driven applications in Silverlight, WPF, Windows Phone, and WinRT.

The Windows Phone Toolkit (24,4 MB)
A collection of standard controls, animations and helpers for creating beautiful and consistent WP7 & WP8 apps

RSTEIN Posterous API C# Wrapper

Posterous C# API wrapper-for Silverlight (SL 4) & .NF 3.5 & WP7 Only Posterous API 1.0 is supported. Included is project "Posterous backup" - Simple example that demonstrates use of API wrappper. Machine translation of my article about API: Enjoy

SilverMenu (731 kB)
SilverMenu brings some of the menu functionality of Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 to the XNA world.

SLARToolkit - Silverlight and Windows Phone Augmented Reality Toolkit (33,2 MB)
SLARToolkit is a flexible Augmented Reality library for Silverlight and Windows Phone with the aim to make real time Augmented Reality applications with Silverlight as easy and fast as possible. SLARToolkit is based on the established NyARToolkit and ARToolkit.

Tally Marks for Windows Phone 7 (911 kB)
Tally Marks is a counting application. It can count almost anything you'd like to count, and it does it with tally marks! Count the number of people at your party, the number of steps from your hotel room to the conference meeting room, or anything else that needs counting.

Twitt - Windows Phone 7 Twitter App (8,1 MB)
This is a full Windows Phone 7 Twitter sample app, that I've been blogging about on This project teaches how to use oAuth to authenticate a twitter account on a Windows Phone 7 application as well as how to use the Twitter APIs using Hammock.

Windows Phone 7 Analog Clock

Windows Phone 7 Analog Clock

Windows Phone 7 Design Templates

A project for sharing XAML based resources for creating consistent Windows Phone 7 user experiences