Ajax Snippets

Ajax Snippets is a small framework built on Microsoft Ajax that simplifies serving up small forms and sending the values back using web services. Ajax Snippets is a take on a technique Scott Gu demonstrated in his blog post - Cool UI Templating Technique to use with ASP.NET AJAX for non-UpdatePanel scenarios at the url: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2006/10/22/Tip_2F00_Trick_3A00_-Cool-UI-Templating-Technique-to-use-with-ASP.NET-AJAX-for-non_2D00_UpdatePanel-scenarios.aspx.

AjGenesis Studio

IDE for AjGenesis Code Generation.

Aspose for DNN

asposednn.zip (54,7 MB)
Aspose provides a quick way to use a module development template for DotNetNuke 7+ that can automatically download Aspose components and add it to your project.

AzureML RRS Client App Template

A Visual Studio template that auto-generates ASP.NET Web Apps that consume AzureML RRS APIs.Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 is required. Run Setup.exe to install.

Basic MVC Template with Integrated Logging Features

Basic MVC Template with Integrated Logging Features.

Christoc's DotNetNuke Module and Theme Development Template

Quick and easy to use Module and Theme (skin) Development templates for DotNetNuke 7.0.2+ and Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015.

Code Endeavors DotNetNuke Templates for C# and VB.NET

The Code Endeavors DotNetNuke Module Templates utilize the Visual Studio Content Installer to enable the developer to create DotNetNuke modules quickly. After they are installed, simply open the File menu, expand New Project, and choose one of the templates to model your module

CodeFx a .NET2.0 based persistence framework

CodeFx.zip (361 kB)
CodeFx is a .NET based persistence framework (DAL, DTO, Persistence) working with attributes. The mapping with tables can be made with codesmith templates or manually. Either a table pattern or a business implementation can be made depending on the the architecture approach. The DataBase used is MySql but the templates can be updated for others Db. The type of persistence is defined is the Persistance classes with attributes: [Persistance("ClassName" , EPersistanceMode.Cache, EPersistanceLevel.Public)] Persistence is a mix between the persistance Mode (Cache, Session , Items) and the Level (Public or Private). The DTO classes are implemented with [DataObject] attributes so that asp.net ObjectDataSource can be used in a standard way. This framework is on production for the sites www.talentexpo.fr and www.bestperf.com since beginning of 2007 Chek the CodeFxMySqlProvider project for an complete example of using this framework. *******French Version******* CodeFx est un framework OpenSource géré sur CodePlex, le site communautaire Open Source .Net. C'est un framework de persistance développé initialement pour le site TalentExpo puis réutilisé pour Bestperf. Il est en production depuis maintenant quelques mois. Développé en C# sur le framework 2.0, il est utilisé avec des templates CodeSmith qui permettent de générér, en s'appuyant sur le schéma d'une base MySql, l'ensemble des classes de type DAL, DTO et Persistance. Ces classes peuvent également être définies manuellement afin de pouvoir définir des classes business. La persistance, mix entre le mode (Cache, Session, IIS) et le niveau (Public, Private), est définie par attribut sur les classes de types Persistance: [Persistance("ClassName" , EPersistanceMode.Cache, EPersistanceLevel.Public)] Les classes DTO sont implémentées avec les attributs [DataObject] afin de pouvoir utiliser les ObjectDataSource d'asp.net de manière standard. Voir le projet CodeFxMySqlProvider pour un exemple complet d'utilisation.


A nuget package that will help you with architecture and generate code from T4 templates. Requirements: - Visual Studio 2010 (not express) - Nuget 1.5 <p>test</p> 1. Create a new MVC3 (C#) Project 2. Install-Package codeplanner 3. Create your domainmodel (see documentation or readme.txt) 4. Create system by -> Scaffold CodePlanner.ScaffoldAll

CodeSmith Generator Template Samples

This project contained all of the CodeSmith sample templates and projects. Please visit http://codesmith.googlecode.com/ for all sample templates and projects

CSLA .NET Contrib

CSLAcontrib.zip (82,6 MB)
Public contributions around Rockford Lhotka's CSLA .NET framework including utilities, add-on frameworks, tools and samples.

C++ CSV Library

csvlib.zip (954 kB)
The C++ CSV Filter Library is a simple to use, easy to integrate and extremely efficient and fast CSV in-memory data store processing library. The CSV filter allows for the efficient evaluation of complex expressions on a per row basis upon the loaded CSV store.


DataBind.zip (19 kB)
Simple JavaScript (TypeScript) function for binding you data objects with your presentation.


DbWebApi.zip (13,8 MB)
DbWebApi is a nuget library that implement an entirely generic Web API for data-driven applications. It acts as a proxy for web clients to call database sp.

DotNetNuke Blueprint

DotNetNuke BluePrint is a project that provides a WYSIWYG reference implementation of a DotNetNuke skin to help designers get started with skin design. Original creator and designer Beatriz Oliveira, Bind (http://www.bind.pt)

C# Dotnetnuke Module development Template for Visual Studio 2010

DNNModule.zip (1,2 MB)
C# DNN Module Development template for Visual Studio 2010 Get a head-start on DNN Module development. Whether you're a pro or just starting with Dotnetnuke development, you'd find DNNModule template helpful in many ways. Works on any version of VS2010. C#only.Coded for DNN 5.0+

DNN Platform Templated (Mega-)Menu Provider

A derivative of the built-in DotNetNuke DNNMenu navigation provider, allowing for templated custom menu panels.

E-Blah Template Editor

An open-source template editor for the popular PERL-based bulletin board software E-Blah! Allows the editing of templates without even the slightest bit of knowledge of CSS or HTML.

Email Template Manager

This framework or utility will help you to manage email templates and allows you to integrate with your project easily. There are scenarios when you need to send emails with customised text or template based in SharePoint or Asp.net or any C# project. This tool will help you achi

EPS - PowerShell templating

eps.zip (22 kB)
EPS (Embedded PowerShell), inspired by erb, is a templating system that embeds PowerShell code into a text document such as HTML files.