patterns & practices – Enterprise Library (368,0 MB)
Microsoft Enterprise Library is a collection of reusable software components (application blocks) addressing common cross-cutting concerns.

Team Foundation Adapters

Team Foundation Adapters make it easier to do proper unit testing of applications that utilize the Team Foundation Server 2008 API, by providing a simple mechanism for mocking the commonly used sealed classes in the API, which cannot otherwise be mocked.

TFS Event Handler for Visual Studio 2008

The TFS Event Handler makes it easier to notify users of changes to Work Items in Team Foundation Server. You will no longer need to add individual alerts to us

TFS Working On

TFS Working On is a simple time tracker system tray utility that makes it easier to record your time spent working on TFS Work Items.


WIT Synchronizer lets you update Work Item Type and WIQL definitions between a Process Template and a Team Project (in both ways). You can also update a list of Team Projects from a Process Template in few clicks! You can also duplicate a Process Template easily.