Community Kit for SharePoint (73,6 MB)
The Community Kit for SharePoint is a set of best practices, templates, Web Parts, tools, and source code that enables practically anyone to create a community website based on SharePoint technology for practically any group of people with a common interest.

Family.Show (32,0 MB)
For a hobby that revolves around dead people, genealogy is remarkably popular: it's the fastest growing scene in North America. And a perfect study for our first Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) reference application. Our designers employed every trick in the WPF book– styles, resources, templates, data binding, animation, transforms– to present an innovative visualization of the classic family tree, freeing our developers to concentrate on behind-the-scenes features like XPS, Windows Vista "light up", and ClickOnce for WPF.

xsd2Code community edition .net class generator from XSD schema (8,3 MB)
Xsd2Code community edition is a CSharp or Visual Basic Business Entity class Generator from XSD schema.