
A bindable ApplicationBar control wrapper for Windows Phone that allows specifying and updating the ApplicationBar properties by changing the properties of a view model instead of handling events in the code behind.

Blend Assets Manager (Blasm) (839 kB)
Blend Assets Manager (Blasm) is a simple application to allow users of Expression Blend adding custom and third-party controls to Blend Assets tab.

CODE Framework (425,5 MB)
CODE Framework is a business application development framework from the makers of CODE Magazine, Markus Egger, and EPS Software Corp. CODE Framework consists of various components and tools that help developers with common aspects of business application development, such as simplified SOA development with various clients, or WPF development, data access, and much more. The main focus of this framework is to enable productive, flexible, and highly maintainable business application development. Make sure you also install the Visual Studio Extensions and Templates from the Extension Manager right within Visual Studio! Note: Most of the CODE Framework originates in our much larger (and not free or open source) Milos Solution Platform product. This means that while the latest build is currently flagged as "beta", it actually contains mostly very mature and time-tested code that has been migrated from the Milos product. We are still in this migration process. Expect new builds with more and more components on an ongoing basis. Documentation and articles will also be forthcoming over the next months and weeks and will be published in CODE Magazine (in print and online) and be linked to from here. We are also working on some videos and some tools and project/item templates which will make it much easier to use this framework. Please check back in a few days. We are hoping to release some of these very shortly.

DockPanel (101 kB)
Provides standalone DockPanel libraries for Silverlight web-based and Windows Phone projects, based on Silverlight Toolkit sourcecode.

Dradis (3,4 MB)
A demo app, created by Nokia, for Spaceship 2013 developer event. This app combines HERE Maps, compass sensor and Twitter feed.

FastCV_NET (28,3 MB)
FastCV_NET is a .NET wrapper to the FastCV Computer Vision Library originally by QualComm. FastCV_NET allows easy Windows Phone 8 CV app development through C#.

Jump N Roll Windows Phone 7 (6,4 MB)
Jump n Roll is a remake of the classic amiga game for windows phone 7, using and XNA. Version 1 is in a working but unfinished state.

MVVM Light Toolkit (220,0 MB)
The main purpose of the toolkit is to accelerate the creation and development of MVVM applications in WPF, Silverlight, Windows Store, Windows Phone and Xamarin

patterns & practices: Prism Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) (135 kB)
The Prism Mvvm library provides support for writing WPF, Windows Phone, and Windows Store apps using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern.

WP7 Catto Free App - Windows Phone 7 .NET Silverlight Sample App

WP7 Catto Free App - Windows Phone 7 .NET Silverlight Sample App This is a WP7 app that is a free sample of examples. Currently the app is running in the emulator and supports a few nice features of the phone such as orientation, input scope, control of the back button.

Unified Ad Control for Windows Phone

Windows Phone Unified Ad Control with support for: - PubCenter - AdMob - Smaato - MobFox - Inner-Active - AdDuplex AdProvider choosing stategies included: - Simple - Remote

XAML Dialect Comparer Tool

This tool allows for comparison of different XAML dialects and utilized framework namespaces. Want to know if your Silverlight project will translate well to Windows 8 Metro? And whether your Metro assets can be reused in your Windows Phone app? And how about that WPF app? This helpful tool provides some interesting metrics. Note that it only compares types/classes and all their members. It makes no comparison of behavior differences between classes and members of identical names.

XAML Snippets for Visual Studio

Common snippets that can be used in the XAML editor in Visual Studio 2013.

Xaml Localization Tool

Xaml Localization Tool, a extension for vs2010. Help to generate .resx files from xaml. So you can use it in any application contain xaml, such as silverlight application, windows phone application and wpf application. Xaml本地化工具, vs2010的一个插件. 可以帮助你轻松从xaml中提取你要进行多语言化的数据,因此适用于包含需要本地化xaml文件的项目,诸如silverlight项目、windows phone 项目、WPF项目。