Abide - Halo Map Editor

abide.zip (15,5 MB)
Abide is used for modification of Halo 2 maps, and other Blam engine games.

Actipro WPF Controls Contrib

actipro.zip (1,7 MB)
Open source code developed in C# that can be used with Actipro's WPF controls. Current features include a number of enhancements for Microsoft's open source WPF DataGrid along with integration of Actipro's docking windows product with Prism.


aeditor.zip (1,8 MB)
AEditor is Assembler editor that makes it easier to write, edit, compile and debug Turbo Assembler code. Based on ScintillaNET control. It's developed in C#


aeronotes.zip (40,5 MB)
Full Featured Vista Aero Glass Window Text Editor.

AjGenesis Studio

IDE for AjGenesis Code Generation.


anteater.zip (14,9 MB)
AntEater is a Visual Studio Package that extends the MSBuild integration of Visual Studio. It provides a visual editor for build files and allows the execution of any target within a build file. The current release is built for Visual Studio 2005 and doesn't support Visual Studio 2008.

APK Studio | Android Reverse-Engineering

APK Studio is a cross=platform IDE for decompiling/editing & then recompiling of android application binaries.


audiotag.zip (2,2 MB)
Free Software That Allow You To Modify Audio File Tags With One Click, It's Support Multiple Files Editor And Full Support For Arabic Encoding.

Visual Studio Close Editors Automatically AddIn

autoclose.zip (348 kB)
Visual Studio 2008/2010 version of the Eclipse IDE "Close Editors Automatically" feature. This addin closes the least recently used editor window automatically when the configured maximum number of editor windows is exceeded.

BDD Editor

BDDEditor.zip (1,3 MB)
The editor list the text from already created file in the feature folder.


blueprints.zip (787 kB)
Blueprints is a .NET serializer which allows polyphormism, circular references and linking to external resources, and enables editing of the serialized data.

Brainiac Designer

brainiac.zip (12,8 MB)
Brainiac Designer is an open-source visual behaviour tree editor. It allows you to build behaviour trees by using simply drag&drop. The editor supports plugins, exporters and stores behaviours as XML files.


cake.zip (123 kB)
Cake - Character Animation Kickass Editor. A new fantastic editor and animation library for creating animations for use in games. Currently supports XNA and Silverlight.

Content Editor

CE.zip (2,3 MB)
Content Editor is v1.5 of RichTextEditor. Content Editor is an advanced notepad.Its UI and advanced controls are brought for QIOS for free licensed under Ms-Pl.

Cloud Commander

cloudcmd.zip (28,2 MB)
Cloud Commander - cloud file manager with console and editor


Automated language writer with graphical editor. Converts into other languages like PowerShell & C++ .NET


codepadnet.zip (3,0 MB)
CodePad makes it easier for C# developers to quickly test small code segments without having to create a full Visual Studio project. It's developed in C#.

CodePlex Information and Discussion

CodePlex.zip (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

ColorCode - Syntax Highlighting/Colorization for .NET

ColorCode.zip (3,6 MB)
ColorCode is a library for colorizing source code (also known as syntax highlighting).

Config Tree for Umbraco

Config Tree for Umbraco, adds a new app-tree in the developer section, allowing the user to edit the config files directly.