Active shape models for .net

Library to find Facial critical points (contour, nose, eyes, mouth) based on active shape models(wrapper for Not support 64bit.

AsmHighlighter - x86 ASM Syntax Highlighting AddIn for Visual Studio

AsmHighlighter is an extension to Visual Studio 2008 that provides syntax highlighting for x86 ASM language. MASM and NASM syntaxes are supported.

Cheese OS (249 kB)
This is a project that is working towards making an kernel written in HLA, so people can build off of it, and also play with a few little example programs.

Code Rule (81 kB)
The implementation of well-known basic algorithms in computer science using a variety of technologies. Useful to compare the raw performance of various languages, runtimes, and hardware-based implementations.

EASM - Easy ASM (275 kB)
EASM is an assembly-like language written in C#.

Monate - Object Oriented Assembly (2,7 MB)
Monate is an Object Oriented Programming Assembly . It's a pre-assembler that compiles x86-x64 OOP assembly codes to non-OOP codes and then compiles them by FASM/NASM assembler . You can create classes and use them in your assembly codes . Monate is easy to use and powerful .

.NETAsm, a JIT Native Code Injection Library (4,9 MB)
NetAsm provides a hook to the .NET JIT compiler and enables to inject your own native code in replacement of the default CLR JIT compilation. With this library, it is possible, at runtime, to inject x86 assembler code in CLR methods with the speed of a pure CLR method call and without the cost of Interop/PInvoke calls.

OpenSOCKS (Open Shared Objective Collaborative Kernel System) (18,1 MB)
OpenSOCKS is the best of two fantastic C# -> OS kernel compilers (MOSA and COSMOS) We are open source and aim to make our kernel simple and full of features. OpenSOCKS (Open Shared Objective Collaborative Kernel System) - by the makers of PearOS

Application Extensibility Framework (1,8 MB)
Plugins Application Extensibility Framework (PAEF) is a new extensibility framework library in .NET designed for small .NET applications. It allows development of fast, lightweight .NET applications for multi-processor systems.

sharp (3,0 MB)
Sharp is a software compiler. It converts C# into an assembler language so that it can be used to for system level tasks in native code.

Small Deterministic D Embedded Assembler Register Machine (2,1 MB)
SIDEARM is a minimal, virtual register machine that acts as an interpreter/shell for valid AVR assembly language execution in real-time by the virtual machine.