NConcern .NET AOP Framework (363 kB)
NConcern is a .NET runtime AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) lightweight framework written in C# that reduces tangling caused by cross-cutting concerns.

CInject - Code Inject & Runtime Intelligence (3,2 MB)
CInject (or CodeInject) allows code injection into any managed assembly without disassembling and recompiling it. It eases the inevitable task of injecting any code in single or multiple methods in one or many assemblies to intercept code for almost any purpose. It is developed in C# and uses Mono.Cecil for code interception and log4net for logging purposes.

Compact Plugs & Compact Injection

Compact Plugs is plug-in framework for .Net Compact Framework and .Net Full Version. Compact Injection is a small dependency injector for both .Net versions.

dI.Hook (108 kB)
Create Hook (code) Repositories from different sources & invoke hooks at runtime - sequentially or in parallel. Can be used as DI Container or Object Creator.

Detour DirectX Research (2,1 MB)
A sample project demonstrates how to detour/hook Direct3D via C++

eEx Network Library (10,1 MB)
The eEx Network Library contains many classes for monitoring, analyzing, parsing and also changing network traffic. It is basically around WinPcap/LibPcap and provides a framework to write own functions and plug-ins.

IInject (2,2 MB)
IInject is a DI (Dependency Injection / IoC Container) framework that is very light weight, fast, and easy to use. It is written in C# and .NET 4.0.

Mockery - a Fluent Interface for Writing Concise, DRY Injected Unit Tests (1,6 MB)
Mockery enables you to write clear, concise unit tests that have injectible dependencies. Mockery removes the redundant code found in these scenarios and enables you to DRY tests that are easy to create, easy to understand and easy to maintain.

.NETAsm, a JIT Native Code Injection Library (4,9 MB)
NetAsm provides a hook to the .NET JIT compiler and enables to inject your own native code in replacement of the default CLR JIT compilation. With this library, it is possible, at runtime, to inject x86 assembler code in CLR methods with the speed of a pure CLR method call and without the cost of Interop/PInvoke calls.

NTracker (1,3 MB)

PHP Vulnerability Hunter

PHP Vulnerability Hunter is an whitebox fuzz testing tool capable of detected several classes of vulnerabilities in PHP web applications.

Radar IoC container

Very simple, fast and easy to use IoC container. Don't have any dependencies on external libraries - just pure .NET 4 Client Profile. Minimal size (~18kB in release build) makes it suitable to use in any project type.

Reflection Studio

Reflection Studio is a development tool that encapsulate all my work around reflection, performance and WPF. It allows to inject performance traces into any NET software, get them back for analyse and reporting.

SAHM (539 kB)
SAHM is the acronym for Simple Analytics HttpModule. It's my implementation of an httpmodule injecting web analytics code. Add the assembly in your Add a few lines in the main web.config file that's it !

Toast (for ASP.NET MVC) (751 kB)
Dynamic, developer & designer friendly content injection, compression and optimization for ASP.NET MVC

patterns & practices - Unity (53,6 MB)
The Unity Application Block (Unity) is officially under new ownership.

Content Injection Module for DotNetNuke (1,7 MB)
This is a content injection module, written by Will Strohl. Its purpose is to allow you to inject markup into the header or footer of the page.