Angular2 Mvc5 sample application

A simple application showing how to configure a mvc5 project to support angular2 (with typescript).

Application Loader Service

Allows applications that require elevated privileges to load at startup without forcing the user to type a password on Vista/Win7

AppServices - lightweight framework for IOC and Dependency Injection in SOA

AppServices is a lightweight service container which can inject services into other objects, visual controls or components. It works with .NET Full, .NET Compact and Silverlight (included WP7). It manages automatically the service dependency. Its advantage is declarative configuration of services (attribute oriented). This makes referencing, injecting and using services very easy.

Atlas (8,3 MB)
Atlas is a .NET application host which allows you to run applications hosted in the Console or as a Windows Service seamlessly.

Chimera - Automated Testing Suite

Chimera is an automated testing suite, intended to simplify and automate system and tests deployment. Oriented around the MVC architecture, it has web based UI.

Configuration Service

The ADA-Config-Service is a service which serves configuration settings for 1 or more applications. Normally you would persist specific configuration settings in a separate configurationfile along with exe or Webapplication.This often leads to deployment or maintanance issues.

Event Scavenger

"Event Scavenger" was created out of a need to monitor the event logs of multiple servers and have a global view of what's happening at the same moment of time. It saves the logs into a database where it makes reporting and manipulating the data easier.

FlowTasks (318,7 MB)
FlowTasks is a framework to develop human and business workflow

GusNet (4,6 MB)
GusNet, the suite which allows to integrate Http services with a minimum coding. Http server, HTTP proxy and TOR access are some of the features included.

HPC cluster video encoder

HPC cluster video encoder is a cluster application that provides near real-time encoding of video different formats and size. It's developed in C# using Microsoft Expression Encoder 3 object model, Microsoft Advanced VC-1 video codec and Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 SDK.

iDoklad API (2,7 MB)
iDoklad API Demo je Open Source projekt společnosti Cígler Software. Ukázková aplikace demonstruje napojení na fakturační službu iDoklad

InstallerFramework: Benutzerdefinierte Setups

Das InstallerFramework ist eine Bibliothek, mit der benutzerdefinierte Setups in jeder Programmiersprache erstellt werden können. Es können zum Beispiel Dienste, EventLogs und Verknüpfungen installiert werden. InstallerFramework wurde in C# für das .Net Framework 3.5 geschrieben.

Javascript DLR Engine (2,2 MB)
A Javascript Engine built on top of DLR.

JSON Service Description Language (JSDL) (6,2 MB)
JSDL is a JSON-based interface description language that is used for describing the functionality offered by a (JSON) HTTP web service.

Layered Architecture Solution Guidance (LASG)

Layered Architecture Solution Guidance is a Visual Studio extension that provides a set of templates and tools to simplify layered application development.

LifeVC 签到器 (1,3 MB)
LifeVC (丽芙家居) 每日签到器。

Manic Weather Control custom control that shows current weather conditions and weather forecast. Data is supplied by service.


Automatically gathers media from home sources and backs them up to your home network. Can discover files on your TiVo, download and decrypt them (using external decrypter such as tivodecode.exe), and transcode them (via external transcoder such as wmcmd.vbs) into other formats (as of v1.0). MediaBackup runs as a background service and scales horizontally by simply installing on multiple machines on your home network (and configuring each appropriately). Uses persistant state (via XML serialization to file) to support both that, and service restarts and upgrades more or less gracefully. Written in C#, .NET 2.0, and tested on Windows Home Server and Windows Vista Ultimate. Should work on other Vista versions and XP as well. Or Windows Server 2003 for that matter.

NZB Service IsAlive Poller

NZB Suite status poller will monitor services and notify the user if one becomes unresponsive.

PolyMon (41,6 MB)
PolyMon is a .NET/SQL Server based system to monitor, analyze and alert on a variety of network resources including PowerShell, PerfMon, WMI, SNMP, TCP, URL, etc. Integrates with PowerShell for custom monitors and Actions. Also easily extensible through a plug-in architecture.