
bib2Word07Xml creates a Word 2007 XML bibliography from your TeX bibliography, by mapping bib fields onto the most appropriate Word 2007 biblographic fields. You can utilise the citation manager in Word, and still use JabRef or equivalent to manage your references. Written in C#

docx2tex: Word 2007 to TeX (9,7 MB)
Docx2tex is a small command line tool that uses standard technologies to help users of Word 2007 to publish publications where typography is relevant or only papers produced by TeX are accepted. Behind the scenes, docx2tex uses common technologies to interpret Word 2007 OOXML format without utilizing the API of Word 2007.


A .NET 3.5 library written in C# which allows the conversion of LaTeX documents to XHTML+MathML format. A stand-alone converter is included. The license is GPL v3.

TexEditorControl (662 kB)
The TeX editor control written in C#, which is an adaptation of ICSharpCode.TextEditor for TeX. Features syntax highlighting, command completion and folding.