ALGE SDK (24 kB)
The ALGE OpenGL ES SDK enables you to develop applications for several platforms in a unified development environment.

Caliburn.Micro: Xaml Made Easy (137,8 MB)
A small, yet powerful framework designed for WPF, Silverlight, WP7 and WinRT/Metro which supports architectures based on MVVM (Presentation Model), MVP and MVC.

Catel - application development platform with MVVM support (WPF, SL, WP, WinRT) (866,8 MB)
Catel is an application development platform with the focus on MVVM (WPF, SL, WP and WinRT) and MVC (ASP.NET MVC 4).

Metro Character Progress Control

A Metro Character Progress Control

Navegar (Navigation pour WPF, WinRT and Universal Application Plateform (102,6 MB)
Navigation inspirée de Windows 8 pour WPF, pour MVVM Light et SimpleIoc. Navigation avec une approche ViewModel First pour les applications Modern UI (WinRT)

Windows Phone and Windows Store app utility routines and helper libraries

This project provides free utilities (code routines) and helper classes for Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8/8.1 Store app developers using C# and XAML.

PhoneTools (1,3 MB)
A collection of tools designed to help developers create beautiful Windows Phone 8 apps.

Psalm of the Day Windows Phone 8 App

Jewish Hebrew Psalm Tenach app for windows phone with audio. Beginner simple.

Quake for Windows Phone 8 (19,2 MB)
Port of Quake (glQuake) to Windows Phone 8 (Direct3D 11)

Sample Browser

Sample Browser is a one-stop shop of thousands of code samples from Microsoft and the community.

Samsung Remote WP7/Silverlight

This is an unofficial app to allow you to control any modern Samsung TV's over WiFi with your Windows Phone.

Smart Navigation Windows Phone

Smart Navigation is a Windows Phone navigation framework which allows you to pass complex data structures between pages in strongly typed and refactoring friend

Sparrow Toolkit

Sparrow Toolkit a set of Data Visualization controls with lot of flexibility, performance, customization & efficient.

SpiritMVVM (1,6 MB)
SpiritMVVM is a Model-View-ViewModel library, focused on richness of feature-set and cross-platform compatibility, using the Portable Class Library.

Sync Toolkit Windows 8 WinRT Windows Phone 8 (65,4 MB)
This project is the WinRT implementation of the Sync Framework Toolkit to enabled synchronization with WinRT and SQLite.

patterns & practices - Unity (53,6 MB)
The Unity Application Block (Unity) is officially under new ownership.

VividKit (1,1 MB)
VividKit is a lightweight MVVM and CQRS toolkit for desktop apps, Windows Phone apps, and Windows Store apps.

Windows 8 Time Picker for Windows Phone

A Windows Phone implementation of the Time Picker control found in the Windows 8.1 Alarms app.

Your Last About Dialog (1,1 MB)
Are you tired of recreating the same about dialog logic and content for each Windows Phone app every time? "Your Last About Dialog" is a robust and generic, highly configurable implementation you can easily pull into your own app and set up for your needs. It is able to pull most data from your application automatically, supports fetching both text and Xaml content from remote sources (with fallback local content), and allows easy localization of the complete dialog content to all of the languages supported by your app.

Your Last Options Dialog (1,9 MB)
Are you tired of recreating the same option dialog logic for each Windows Phone app every time? "Your Last Options Dialog" is an attempt to create a generic, highly configurable implementation you can easily pull into your own app and set up for your needs quickly. It's extensible in case you need to add more features or want to change existing ones, and allows easy localization of the complete content to all of the languages supported by your app.