Active Build & Deployment (2,1 MB)
Active is a project to help developers create better deployment packages. It is based on Windows Workflow Foundation.

Active Directory User Properties Change

A complete application in VS 2005 and VB.NET, for Request Request in User Details in Active Directory, with flow to HR and then to IT for approval and update AD. You need to chage some user names and password accordingly in Web.Config and other few pages (Data Access.vb). Enjoy:)

Activity Injector

Activity Injector is mainly used in unit testing workflow activities.

Create approval workflow in SharePoint 2010 with Visual Studio 2010 and Infopath

This is an example of How to create an approval workflow in SharePoint 2010 with Visual studio 2010 and InfoPath 2010.

Application Rapid Development Toolkit (ARD Toolkit) (3,9 MB)
ARD Toolkit is a collection of .NET C# classes that implement typical tasks and patterns an application developer faces on day-to-day basis. ARD Contains: - Data Access module provides a framework for database vendor independent database code. It has generic classes that internally operate based on configured database type. The classes return interfaces, defined in ADO.NET. - Configuration Module provides typed access to an orbitrary XML configuration file (including App.config files) through XPath specification. Allows you to encrypt and decrypt individual settings. Alows you to instantiate and initialize objects using configuration settings. Provides access to string resources. - Logging Module provides a framework for multi-category and multi-target logging. Log targets are: text file, binary file, MSMQ, Event Log etc. You can filter out messages based on category or origin location in the code. - Security Module contains classes that implement Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption, Hashing adn digital signature. By providing a common interface dealing with encryption is made easy. The module implements file based cryptography key and key generation / encryption-decryption utility. - Services Module contains classes that provide uniform interface for database or file based persistence (defined in configuration). It provides classes for common resource synchronization across different machines (either database based or file based). - State Machine Framework provides an implementation for typical State Chart with events, state transitions and actions. It is completely configurable through an XML configuration file and can be used as a Workflow Framework. - Smart Client Framework provides an implementation of Smart Client, which gets updated files from a common location. In contrast with the "One Touch Deployment" approach this framework is quite transparent and avoids unpredictible behavior.

Argos II - Systems Monitoring (787 kB)
Argos is a monitoring system that utilizes Windows Workflow Foundation to monitor other systems and applications, and to report any failures in those.

ASPXCollectFeedback workflow for Sharepoint (fixed sdk example)

This is the fixed version of the AspxCollectfeedback workflow example provided with the sharepoint sdk (WSS 3.0 & MOSS 2007). More details in my blog!E8A06D5F2F585013!3195.entry Serge Luca

Automator .NET

Automator .NET implements point-and-click (or drag and drop) creation of workflows for automating repetitive tasks into batches.

aztall (72,3 MB)
Trade Promotion Management and Analysis Suit

Bio Workflow Engine (16,5 MB)
BioWF is a scientific workflow project which allows for easy construction of bioinformatic applications through drag/drop style creation.

Business Process Template Suite (40 kB)
这是由我组织和发起的第一个开源项目,主要是针对商业流程模板套件。其概念类似于以前我们在有的系统中的动态表单模块。 设立该项目的目的是,试图将动态表单模块标准化。 该项目包含三个部分及必要的文档,测试工程等 1. 核心组件(BPT.Core, BPT.Framework,BPT.Utility等):这里主要是针对XML的处理的一些框架和工具 2.模板编辑器(BPT Editor):允许客户的流程定制人员定制、修改并发布模板。是否可以考虑集成在office程序内部。 3. 客户端程序集成组件(例如查看器等,分别针对windows Forms程序和web Forms程序) 4. 需要考虑表单服务器么?(类似于微软的Forms Server的概念,这一点待论证) 该项目所使用的技术主要有 1. XML(xml将是项目的核心,包括XML配置,XML定义——表单的内容,样式,规则等等都通过XML定义,以及XML的序列化和反序列化等等) 2. .NET Framework 2.0(以及3.0中的Workflow Foundation) 3. SQL Server 2005(或者其他数据源,此处考虑用Provider的设计理念,力图支持更多的数据库类型) 该项目的难点还在于既然是动态表单,就必然有流程,那么如何将流程及其权限等等加入其中。 欢迎你的参与和支持!如果你对该项目有兴趣,请通过点击 这里 给我来信 为了有效地开展项目的进程,我想邀请加入开发团队的朋友最好能具备上面所提到的一些技术基础,尤其是对XML技术及其处理要有足够深入的经验。同时,我也邀请有测试经验的朋友加入。要加入开发和测试团队的朋友,您需要具备必要的开发环境,以及需要有一定的空闲时间给这个项目,而且目前我们不会在这个项目上面有任何直接的收益。 该项目运行在New BSD License这种授权类型下。所以,即便你不是开发和测试团队的成员,你也可以查看和下载所有的源代码。同时,我依然热忱地欢迎你提出你对于该项目的一些看法和建议。也许你从未参与过编程,但你却可以真实地参与这样一个项目里面,没有什么可以掩盖你智慧的光芒。你可以通过下面的地址提交你参与讨论 值得一提的是,我一般只能利用业余时间来编写和测试该项目,所以项目进展也许不会很有规律。但这与开源的精神是不冲突的。 陈希章 2008年5月 于上海

BraneCloud Evolution (9,9 MB)
Industrial-Strength Evolutionary Computation for .NET 4.0


cDevWorkflow is a next generation Workflow-BPM product for .net developers

.NETTER Code Starter Pack (5,7 MB)
This is a gallery of *Visual Studio 2010* solutions leveraging latest and new technologies released by Microsoft. Each Visual Studio solution included here is focused to provide a very simple starting point for cutting edge development technologies and framework.

Codeflows (101,0 MB)
Codeflows is a free, open source, lightweight .NET class library for programming workflows using your favourite programming language constructs.

CRM 2011/2015 Distribute Workflow Activity

This plugin allows to execute a workflow for each entity that has a 1:N or N:N relationship to a given entity.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4 Workflow activity extensions

This project consists of several workflow activities like - String concatenation - String capitilization - Calculations Many common and userfull workflow activities will be released in next versions

Database Task Parallel Foundation - dbParallel for Oracle & SQL Server (8,0 MB)
The dbParallel is a Database Task Parallel Foundation that provides database developers an application level support for parallel programming in database.

Deploy Workflow Manager

Kick off a workflow associated with a SharePoint List on all list items at once. SharePoint Designer Workflows will also be included. This project assumes criteria is included in the Workflow. Critera through the Workflow Manager is still in process.

Office Workflow Add-ins for SharePoint and beyond (31,7 MB)
desktopWeb - Office Workflow extensions for the desktop and the web.