Advanced Resource Tab for Blend

Advanced Resource Tab is an extension to Blend for Visual Studio 2012 which adds an additional tab window to get more control over the default resource tab.

Avalon Wizard

Wizard control for WPF. Provides Aero Wizard and Wizard 97 styles. Supports non-linear navigation.

BeeHive Game For Windows Phone 7

BeeHive for Windows Phone 7 is a port that was given in sample code from Microsoft's training site for Microsoft Expression Blend 3 ( . It's built primarily in Microsoft Expression Blend 4 and VS2010.

Blend Assets Manager (Blasm) (839 kB)
Blend Assets Manager (Blasm) is a simple application to allow users of Expression Blend adding custom and third-party controls to Blend Assets tab.

Color Combiner

This a simple tool for Application and Web page designers. Color combiner can be used in choosing best combination of colors

Colorful Expression (2,2 MB)
The Colorful Expression project is an add-in for Expression Blend and Expression Design that brings you the Adobe Kuler community directly into your toolbox. It adds a new palette to your design environment, making it easy to leverage the community to find the perfect color theme for your application or design. The add-in also runs as a standalone application, making it useful for web developers working in Visual Studio or Expression Web, as you can select individual colors for your CSS style sheets.


This project was demo'ed at the Microsoft Build 2013 Conference as part of "What's new for HTML Developers in Blend for Visual Studio 2013 Preview".

Expression Blend Samples

A collection of samples and utilities for use in Expression Blend written by members of the Expression Blend team.

Family.Show (32,0 MB)
For a hobby that revolves around dead people, genealogy is remarkably popular: it's the fastest growing scene in North America. And a perfect study for our first Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) reference application. Our designers employed every trick in the WPF book– styles, resources, templates, data binding, animation, transforms– to present an innovative visualization of the classic family tree, freeing our developers to concentrate on behind-the-scenes features like XPS, Windows Vista "light up", and ClickOnce for WPF.

GroupToolbar for WPF

A Toolbar that can group your items and is totally templatable :)

iTunes 2.0 (10,0 MB)
iTunes as an online rich internet application. Using and silverlight im going to bring the iTunes experience completely online.

Live Gallery

This is a Silverlight project, built on the Wall3D photo viewer starter sample, available with Microsoft Expression Blend 3. It pulls geocoded photos from Flickr service and displays them in a photo wall. The project uses MEF for themed plugins.

MEFedMVVM (5,3 MB)
Library for building MEF MVVM applications for Silverlight and WPF. By using this library you can easily build MVVM application.

MicroMVVM (5,9 MB)
MicroMVVM is a framework for WinRT applications which leverages the Model View ViewModel architectural pattern by binding the View to the ViewModel at runtime.

JulMar MVVM Helpers + Behaviors (124,3 MB)
MvvmHelpers is a cross-platform library for creating applications using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern which was popularized by the XAML frameworks.


A WPF application which reads and writes EXIF metadata on pictures. Written in C# using WPF. Renames files, sets title, and changes date properties.

Silverlight for Commerical - Large Scale Domains with RIA Prism Unity MEF (20,8 MB)
The convergence and emergence of a set of critical enablers for the the commercial developer are here. Buzzwords to many become mandates to success and even existence when your revenue is your software. Doing it is still too hard and this is why we offer our emerging mashup here.

Using projection to build a 3D carousel in Silverlight 3

In this example I use the new projection properties in Silverlight 3 to build a 3D image carousel. Moving the mouse left to right controls the speed and direction of the carousel. Moving the mouse up and down changes the opacity of the carousel.

Silverlight Simon (140,4 MB)
Composite Surface/WPF/Silverlight 3/Silverlight 3 OOB project for fun and for demo-ing going from Silverlight to WPF and the use or resources in both kinds of projects and then again going from WPF to Surface allowing users to show the differences between all 3.5 environments.

Snoop, the WPF Spy Utility (56,5 MB)
Snoop has lived at We were doing it when it wasn't even cool!