BibWord : Microsoft Word Citation and Bibliography styles (3,8 MB)
BibWord makes it easier to create and manipulate Microsoft Word citation and bibliography styles. BibWord also resolves several limitations of the basic implementation by Microsoft. For end-users, BibWord offers a collection of easy to use styles.

CC.NET Community PlugIns

Designed to be a repository for many different plugins for CruiseControl.NET. Hope to have many users contributing plugins to the repository.

CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

CodePlex Source Control Client

Command line source control client for accessing CodePlex source control servers

Color Combiner

This a simple tool for Application and Web page designers. Color combiner can be used in choosing best combination of colors

Easy to use Codeplex WikiEditor (Quick & Dirty)

The Codeplex WikiEditor makes it easy to create Codeplex WikiPages. You can Design your Codeplex WikiPages as in an office suite and can convert it to the codeplex Wiki format.

CodePlex New Release Checker

CodePlex New Release Checker is a small library that makes it easy to add, "New Version Available!" functionality to your CodePlex project.

CodePlex Release Publisher for CruiseControl.NET (68 kB)
A publisher for CruiseControl.NET that wraps the CodePlex API to submit a release. In some cases, a publisher may be a better candidate then using MSBuild task because the CodePlex API requires a user name and password to submit the release. The ccnet.config file usually wont be controlled by CodePlex Source Control but the MSBuild script usually is.

CodePlex Publishing Plugin

Allows publishing to CodePlex directly from Visual Studio, thus eliminating the unnecessary step of going to the CodePlex site and publishing from there.

Data Workflow Activities (452 kB)
OData and SQL Server Workflow Activities and Designers

Asp.Net MVC-4,Entity Framework and JQGrid Demo with Todo List WebApplication

Overview TodoList is a simple web application to create, store and modify Todo tasks to be maintained by the user.

Entity Framework

Entity Framework is an object-relational mapper that enables .NET developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects.


This project is about getting started with CodePlex.

HomeIRC (967 kB)
HomeIRC è uno script in PHP che permette agli amministratori di un canale chat che dispongono di uno spazio Web di creare la propria home page. È basato sulla modifica di semplici file di testo tramite FTP e non necessita di MySQL.

SharpForge - C# SourceForge implementation (161,0 MB)
SharpForge supports collaborative development and management of multiple software projects. Similar to SourceForge or CodePlex but for your own team or organisation. The software is written in C# for .NET 2.0, it uses Subversion for source control and is released under the New BSD License.

SvnBridge - Use TortoiseSVN with Team Foundation Server (17,3 MB)
SvnBridge allows you to use TortoiseSVN and other Subversion clients with Team Foundation Server. It converts the calls made by your Subversion client to the API supported by TFS.

Vārddienis - Windows Sidebar sīkrīks (6,5 MB)
Vienkāršs un ērti lietojams Windows Sidebar sīkrīks, kurš parāda gan šodienas, gan rītdienas vārda dienu gaviļniekus, kā arī piedāvā vārda dienu meklēšanas iespēju (gan pēc vārda, gan datuma).

WBFS Manager (37,5 MB)
This application basically provides a GUI for working with hard disk drives that have been formatted to the WBFS file system.

Advanced WebParts (6,3 MB)
Project to create web parts for SharePoint with AJAX and/or Silverlight functionality.

WikiPlex – a Regex Wiki Engine (14,3 MB)
A regular expression based wiki engine allowing developers to integrate a wiki experience into an existing .NET application