Interact with Cassandra using c-sharp (320 kB)
This is very simple project to handle CRUD operation using Cassandra CQL driver 3.0.


Cassandraemon is LINQ Provider for Apache Cassandra.

Cassandra .Net Provider

Cassandra .Net Provider is a project created to help .Net developers to start to work with Apache Cassandra. Under Cassandra .Net Provider project developers will find a client fully configurable, working with polled connection, where CQL commands can be executed.

DBreeze - C# ACID NoSql embedded object database management system. (111,2 MB)
Professional, open-source, NoSql (embedded Key/Value storage), transactional, ACID-compliant, multi-threaded object DBMS for C# .NET 3.5> MONO.

Execom IOG database for .NET (4,5 MB)
Immutable Object Graph database for .NET has following goals: * enable native .NET objects to be stored anywhere * thread safe objects using isolated workspaces * multiple versions of the data * object database for embedded and medium scale systems * zero-configuration code first entity modelling * query through object navigation and LINQ Available options for object storage: * storing data in flat file * storing data in Apache Cassandra 10 cluster * flexible towards using any other 3rd party key/value storage implementations * easy switching between storages * data migration and upgrade


Lucandra.NET is a Lucene + Cassandra implementation written in C# which is based on the Lucandra (Java) project by Jake Luciani. Apache's Lucene is a high-performance full-text search engine, and Apache's Cassandra is a promising NoSQL database, originally developed by Facebook.

PasCassa - a Delphi/Pascal Cassandra Client (6,4 MB)
PasCassa is a delphi-written lightweight, intuitive and easy-to-use wrapper client library for the Cassandra database.

Transparent Persistence.Net

Transparent Persistence.Net is a simple persistence API that allows generic IDictionary access to your data. Physical storage is performed Apache Cassandra service in it's current release. Further iterations will allow SQL and memcached based backends.