
fngraph.zip (1 022 kB)
Graphing and analyzing mathematical functions


forceplot.zip (300 kB)
Force plot is a user friendly graphing calculator which uses brute-force computing. It can plot difficult equations that many popular programs cannot plot.

ICE- Information Connections Engine

ICEdotNet.zip (11,0 MB)
ICE is a Silverlight based framework that allows .net developers to easily visualize any type of information, as well as links between information in a user friendly and entertaining way. Perfect for SNA for example. ICE is heavily customizable (UI, actions, etc.)

QuickGraph, Graph Data Structures And Algorithms for .NET

quickgraph.zip (13,5 MB)
QuickGraph 3.6 provides generic directed and undirected graph data structures and algorithms (depth first seach, breath first search, shortest path, network flow etc...). Compatible with .NET 4.0, Silverlight 4.0, Windows Phone 7, Windows 8 Metro Apps, XBox 360.


sequenceviz.zip (17,1 MB)
SequenceViz is a tool to generate sequence diagrams by reverse engineering .NET Assemblies.


WhyGraphs.zip (772 kB)
.NET graph operations library (PROTOTYPE)

WinRT LineChart

Customizable line chart component for everyone to use in his/her own Windows 8 App