Add objects to Microsoft Bing Map (31 kB)
Placing objects over the Microsoft Bing Map adds functionality and enhances user experience


This is a standalone version of the popular Visual Studio plugin 'CopySourceAsHtml'. ConvertSourceToHtml replaces RTF code in your clipboard by HTML code that you can paste in your website or blog.

Dynamic Active Intelligence System (814 kB)
This project is for anyone looking for helping with mixed AI,intelligence type systems, and AI comprehension.

Online shopping website in ASP.NET- Open Source Project (23,1 MB),C#,shopping cart,college project,visual studio 2010,visual web developer 2010

Publech open source (33,6 MB)
Publech is a popular content management system based on Microsoft .NET 3.5 technology and is meant to be an open source code, free for developpers to develop and contribute with ideas and expertise.

tChat - ASP.NET, Ajax & Web Service based Chat Room (835 kB)
Simple chat room application. Technology: ASP .NET, Ajax, Web Services and MS SQL Server Database. Uses ASP .NET authentication mechanism.

Lonsoft Web Tool (4,4 MB)
Application for creating and editing .htaccess and other web tools...

Zen Coding Visual Studio Plugin (2,7 MB)
Zen Coding for Visual Studio is plugin for HTML and CSS hi-speed coding