Active CSS

create browser selected css output with more effective features like variable declaring, file importing, if-else block and etc

Appastyle-css-framework (26 kB)
Progress: 40%

Assman - Web Asset Management for ASP.NET MVC (26,9 MB)
A library for ASP.NET MVC that completely manages your scripts and stylesheets so you can focus on developing them. It requires minimal configuration, and allows you to define conventions for consolidating/mashing your scripts/stylesheets. The framework is extensible, and plugins already exist for dotLess, CoffeeScript, and YUI. The goal of this project is to help you have high performing websites without developer friction. MVC Awesome - jQuery Ajax helpers (232,8 MB)
rich set of helpers used to build highly responsive ajax-enabled Web applications. These helpers include the Grid, AjaxDropdown, PopupForm, Lookup and more

Babelfish.NET (12,9 MB)
Babelfish was created as a common framework for navigating several different node-to-node structured data sources, such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML & JSON. Developed in C# .NET 3.5

backup HTA (478 kB)
Simple GUI based backup script as a single-file-solution. Just download and execute. No installation necessary.

BgEngine (25 kB)
BgEngine allow users to create a personal blog. This is a blog engine built using ASP MVC 3, jQuery and Entity Framework Code First

Add objects to Microsoft Bing Map (31 kB)
Placing objects over the Microsoft Bing Map adds functionality and enhances user experience

Boogaloo - A site creation framework & CMS (57,4 MB)
Boogaloo is a customizable site creation framework and CMS built with the web designer in mind. Allows the designer to control almost every aspect of the HTML & CSS page by page. Developed in VB.NET and engineered to encourage compile on demand extensions in either C# or VB.NET.

Bundle Transformer - a modular extension for ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework

Bundle Transformer - a modular extension for System.Web.Optimization (also known as the Microsoft ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework).


Buscayasminas is an open source "Minesweeper" alike game totally written in DHTML (JavaScript, CSS and HTML) that uses mouse and keyboard optionally. This cross-platform and cross-browser game was tested under BeOS, Linux, *BSD, Windows and others.

Chirpy - VS Add In For Handling Js, Css, DotLess, and T4 Files (127,6 MB)
Mashes, minifies, and validates your javascript, stylesheet, and dotless files. Chirpy can also auto-update T4MVC and other T4 templates.

Clomibep (814 kB)
PL: Zaawansowany system zarządzania treścią Clomibep. EN: Advenced content managment system Clomibep.

CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.


CollectAndCrop helps with combining and minifying javascript and css files in Sharepoint.

Color Combiner

This a simple tool for Application and Web page designers. Color combiner can be used in choosing best combination of colors


It is difficult to find a decent color picker control for ASP.NET. However, there are plenty of pure JavaScript color picker controls. I decided to take one of them and convert it into an ASP.NET web server control. As a base, I took the dhtmlgoodies advanced color picker. The base control had been implemented by Viktar Karpach and you can find it from the codeproject ( But because there are some issues in usage, I had recreated the control and enhanced it by extending the autopostback feature and onColorChanged event handler, which is similiar to the onTextChanged of the TextBox.

ASP.NET MVC Js/Css Composer/Compressor (698 kB)
Introduces some utility stuff for dynamic javascript and css composite construction and compression on fly using MVC.

Conectayas (437 kB)
Conectayas is an open source "Connect Four" alike game but transformable to "Tic-Tac-Toe" and to a lot of similar games that uses mouse. Written in DHTML (JavaScript, CSS and HTML). Very configurable. This cross-platform and cross-browser game was tested under BeOS, Linux, *BSD, Windows and others.

Cosby (2,0 MB)
auto-generate stripes and gradients in your MVC with a helpful little file.