
3dtours.zip (82,4 MB)
3DTours is a C# 3D virtual reality tool based on the open source Irrlicht 3D engine and Microsoft .NET framework 2.0, can be used to demonstrate a tourism site, a building, an art gallery or whatever you can imagine of. Developed by Thai Minh Hoang Ha and Dang Duc Vinh.


acdown.zip (146,5 MB)

Advanced Proxy Manager

A tool to allow the quick change between different proxy settings. Allows storage and easy retrieval of several different proxy setting configurations for IE.

Adaptive Intelligence Open Source .NET Framework

AiFramework.zip (23,8 MB)
This framework is the basis for all Adaptive Intelligence products and applications. This project consists of three libraries: A base class and API library in Managed C++, a general use library in C#, and a Windows Forms Controls library in C#.

Ajax Controls and Extenders

Ajax Controls and Extenders written in C# using Ajax 1.x and MS Visual Studio 2005.

Ajax.NET Professional

AjaxPro.zip (6,6 MB)
Ajax.NET Professional (AjaxPro) is one of the first AJAX frameworks for Microsoft ASP.NET and is working with .NET 1.1 and 2.0.


alglib.zip (6,7 MB)
ALGLIB is an open source numerical analysis library. This site is a CodePlex mirror for C# version of ALGLIB. Versions in other languages (C++, Python and even more) can be downloaded from main ALGLIB website - [url:http://www.alglib.net/]. ALGLIB implements linear algebra functions (subset of LAPACK), linear solvers, ODE solvers, nonlinear optimization, interpolation/fitting, integration, fast transforms and many other algorithms.


appcompact.zip (1,5 MB)
A simple utility to compress & pack a program into one exe file (creates one self extracting executable). Uses Zip compression, which is implemented using the ICSharpCode.SharpZLib library. Written in c# (Visual c# express 2008)

Application Management Library

Application Management makes your application life easier. It will automatic do memory management, handle and log unhandled exceptions, profiling your functions, make your application single instance and also provide util functions to get system information.


arachnode.zip (77,6 MB)
http://arachnode.net 2.6 release +lucene.net

AramHTML Library

AramHTML.zip (479 kB)
AramHTML Library Creates essential HTML tags programatically.

Aran, an XNA-compliant .NET automated planning framework

Aran.zip (19,2 MB)
Aran is an XNA-compliant .NET automated planning framework developed as its author Bachelor Thesis at Carlos III University of Madrid, under the supervision of the Planning and Learning Group.

"Ascend.Net" Windows Forms Controls

ASCENDNET.zip (21,0 MB)
"Ascend.NET" Windows forms controls are a collection of .NET custom controls implemented in C# targeting Visual Studio 2005. The controls are designed to be flexible, but not overly complicated and are reliable under tough conditions.


aspNETserve is a free and open source ASP.NET 2.0/3.x web server. Written in C#, aspNETserve can be used to host your ASP.NET website, or to extend your knowledge of ASP.NET.

Attollo 3D XNA Engine

attollo3D.zip (3,3 MB)
Attollo 3D XNA Engine is a managed engine written in XNA 1.0 and C# 2.0. This engine is written using managers and wrappers for easy content generation through a scenegraph. Features particle effects, model loading, terrain, etc.

Enterprise Library 2.0 Authenticating Email Trace Listener

An add-on enterprise library 2.0 trace listener that can optionally authenticate to an smtp server to send log messages. Based in part on the entlib email trace listener and work by Erwyn Van Der Meer for the Rolling flat file trace listener

COBOL the Barbarian: Multi-Language .NET Snippet Compiler

barbarian.zip (1,2 MB)
COBOL the Barbarian is a multi-language .NET snippet compiler based on Jon Skeet's Snippy. The Barbarian compiles C# and VB, has a WPF user interface, and is written in COBOL. In principle it could be extended to compile additional .NET languages, and unmanaged code snippets.


BeHappy.zip (53,2 MB)
BeHappy is AviSynth-based audio transcoding tool.

Blind Shark

blindshark.zip (41,1 MB)
Blind Shark is a musical game, where you have to find the music being played before your opponents.


blogengine.zip (804,1 MB)
BlogEngine.NET is a full featured blog engine targeted at .NET developers. It is light weight and very simple to modify and extend.