Argotic Syndication Framework (61,1 MB)
A powerful and extensible .NET web content syndication framework for RSS, Atom, OPML, APML, BlogML, RSD and more. The Argotic Syndication Framework is a Microsoft .NET class library framework that enables developers to easily consume and/or generate syndicated content from within their own applications. The framework makes the reading and writing syndicated content in common formats such as RSS, Atom, OPML, APML, BlogML, and RSD very easy while still remaining extensible enough to support common/custom extensions to the syndication publishing formats. The framework includes out-of-the-box implementations of the most commonly used syndication extensions, network clients for sending and receiving peer-to-peer notification protocol messages; as well as HTTP handlers, modules, services and controls that provide rich syndication functionality to ASP.NET developers.

BlogEngine.NET (804,1 MB)
BlogEngine.NET is a full featured blog engine targeted at .NET developers. It is light weight and very simple to modify and extend.

Blogger ATOM export to BlogML conversion tool

A command line tool that converts an ATOM export file from Blogger to BlogML, suitable for importing to a number of different blogging engines.

BlogML .NET (5,0 MB)
BlogML .NET a set of .NET libraries for working with the BlogML format. You can learn more about BlogML by visiting its website:

DnnBlogML (761 kB)
DnnBlogML allows import/export between the core DotNetNuke Blog module and the BlogML format. It's developed in Visual Basic, targeting .NET 3.5 SP1 framework, DotNetNuke 05.00.01, Blog 03.05.01.

FujiyBlog (36,8 MB)
A simple Open Source Blog using ASP.NET MVC, jQuery, Entity Framework Code First and SQL CE 4 or SQL Server.

Do you have a GeeksWithBlogs blog? Do you ever think about the cool feature that you could have if you moved to WordPress?

MetaWebLog To BlogML Converter

A very handy utility that utlizes the MetWeblog API to generate the corresponding BlogML for the content present on a Blog site. This would provide a quick and clean way to migrate your posts from an exisitng blogging tool to BlogEngine.NET or any blogging application that supports import from blogML

Orchard BlogML Module

Orchard BlogML Module The Orchard BlogML module allows users to import blogs from other blogging engines in to orchard, and also allows users to migrate there blogs out of orchard.