BgEngine (25 kB)
BgEngine allow users to create a personal blog. This is a blog engine built using ASP MVC 3, jQuery and Entity Framework Code First

Blaze Apps - Web Community (339,9 MB)
Blaze Apps - Web Community has CMS capabilities, forums, blogs, galleries, events, polls, knowledge base and many other features.

BlogEngine.NET (804,1 MB)
BlogEngine.NET is a full featured blog engine targeted at .NET developers. It is light weight and very simple to modify and extend.

AtomSite (54,8 MB)
AtomSite (BlogService) is a standards-based online publishing platform. It's free, open, and uses Microsoft's newest web framework. It'll have your new website or blog up in a snap.

CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

dasBlog (156,1 MB)
dasBlog is a blogging application that doesn't require a database! It runs on ASP.NET 2.0 and up and is developed in C#. It has a rich templating engine, easy to develop macros and lots of great features.

Graffiti CMS (51,1 MB)
Creating and maintaining a site has never been easier.

Information Worker SharePoint Enhancements

The South African InformationWorker User Group ( is hosted on MOSS 2007 and has a number of tools and enhancements made to the site to improve it as a community driven SharePoint site. It is based on the Community Kit for SharePoint.

mytrip.mvc (CMS & e-Commerce) (103,6 MB)
mytrip.mvc (mtm) is an open source Content Management System, based on Microsoft's .NET MVC technology, which enables you to build Web sites. For now project include several modules: Users, News, Articles, Blogs, Votes and more coming soon. Every module has separated settings..

Owlpal (891 kB)
Owlpal is a complete personal web blog or publishing tool with the following features: - Posts, Videos, Audios, Photos, Articles, Books - Archives and permanent links - Archives page Urls - Comments - Categories - Calendar - Templates - Syndication - Pings - Trackback - Email notification - Plug-in architecture - API support - Administrative or editioral system and many more

Simple Blog .NET (152 kB)
Simple Blog is what the name implies, a simple blogging software application for the ASP.Net 2.0 platform. Unlike other blogging software like CommunityServer, Simple Blog should be as simple as running a db script, editing a connection string in the web.config and dropping the code on the server. An unlike other software packages, instead of using a "theme" to setup the blog you can just modify the CSS and aspx pages however you want to achieve your own look and feel to your site.