Artefact Animator

Artefact Animator provides an easy to use framework for procedural time-based animations in Silverlight and WPF.

Caliburn (184,4 MB)
A framework designed for WPF and Silverlight which implements a variety of UI patterns including MVVM , MVP and MVC. Caliburn is a legacy framework.

CarbonKit (489 kB)
A set of enhancement libraries for .NET developers. Provides tools, controls, helper classes & extensions to get the job done. Currently, this kit will focus on extending WPF Toolkit / .NET 3.5 / .NET 4 / WP7 / Silverlight 3 / Silverlight 4 / XNA 4

Catel - application development platform with MVVM support (WPF, SL, WP, WinRT) (866,8 MB)
Catel is an application development platform with the focus on MVVM (WPF, SL, WP and WinRT) and MVC (ASP.NET MVC 4).

Cocktail (574,4 MB)
Take the pain out of developing enterprise apps by leveraging established patterns and practices rich data service capabilities.

ETSY v2 .NET API Library for Winform, WPF, Silverlight, ASP.Net, & ASP.NET MVC (183 kB)
.NET API Library for v2 RESTful API with fully compliant OAuth 1.0a for all CRUD & Upload Images API - developed in VB.NET. *15/11/2010 MAJOR UPDATE*

Genesis Smart Framework

The Genesis Smart Client Framework is a application development framework that allows developers to develop modules of code that is hosted inside of the framework. The framework takes care of user security, application deployment and online data access.

MediaOwl (10,1 MB)
MediaOwl is a multimedia search engine. You can search the web, for music (albums, artists, tracks, tags) and movies (movies, series, actors, directors, genres). But above all, it is a Microsoft Silverlight 4 application (C#), that shows how to use Caliburn Micro.

NColony - Pluggable Socialism? (292 kB)
NColony helps aggregate, filter, and prioritize various sources of information. Initially, this project will support RSS feeds. But, future versions will support any source of information updates (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Google Wave, E-mail, etc.) Developed in .NET 4.


This is for business project

PRISMvvM (207 kB)
MvvM guidance and framework built on top of the PRISM framework. Makes it easier for developers to properly utilize PRISM to achieve best practices in creating a Silverlight project with MVVM. Sponsored and written by:

ProSOLD.NET (27,5 MB)
Open Source next Generation Property SELL Project

Silverlight Toolkit (498,0 MB)
Silverlight Toolkit and Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit are a set of Microsoft components for developers.

Word to XAML Converter (12,5 MB)
A Word 2010 Add-in that converts the Office Open XML (WordprocessingML) to XAML: For WPF, the document is converted into a FlowDocument element. For Silverlight 4, the document is converted into either a StackPanel element containing TextBlock elements or a RichTextBox.