AspXslt (59 kB)
AspXslt is an easy way of separating presentation layer from business logic by using an HttpHandler to transform XML documents generated by your custom components. It can be the foundation of a bigger project like a CMS or MVC application. It's developed in C#.

BibWord : Microsoft Word Citation and Bibliography styles (3,8 MB)
BibWord makes it easier to create and manipulate Microsoft Word citation and bibliography styles. BibWord also resolves several limitations of the basic implementation by Microsoft. For end-users, BibWord offers a collection of easy to use styles.

C1 CMS Foundation - Open Source on .NET (259,9 MB)
A top rated ASP.NET web CMS, now on GitHub Quality web CMS with a great API and solid usability. Friendly with ASP.NET Razor, Web Forms and MVC.

Xsl To .NET Code Generator (1 022 kB)
This is an add-in to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, it helps you generate C# code from an xsl template; C# does not have the power of C++ templates (I know C# has generics, but they are not exactly the same); but it can easily use the power of xsl templates to generate tons of cod

iNSISt Script Generation Framework (599 kB)
iNSISt is a flexible script generation framework for the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS). It works by transforming XML input files into NSIS scripts.

JavaScript Client Pages

JavaScriptClientPages is a cross-browser, cross-platform tool, which makes dynamic client-side content generation as easy as it is on the server side with technologies like, PHP, Ruby on Rails, etc.. Each JavaScritpt Client Page is a complete XHTML page with embedded JavaScript code, as well as custom output tags that make it possible to create clean XHTML templates with advanced presentation logic while eliminating the drudgery of writing custom DOM manipulation code or innerHTML construction. Pages are compiled to compressed DOM-generating code that can then be used to insert the generated content to an arbitrary element on an existing page.

Landscape - XSL Presentation Framework (3,2 MB)
Landscape aims to provide a solid foundation to develop complex and feature rich frontends for web application or websites. Never complain anymore for malformed HTML code or ultra rigid templates. Landscape is meant to give you the complete control over the generation of HTML code.

MOSS User Profile XSLT WebPart

MOSS XSLT Users Profile WebPart v1.0. Use this webpart to display Sharepoint Users List and User Profile information. It generates a simple XML stream that you can easly format using XSLT.

Mvp.Xml Project (8,6 MB)
Mvp.Xml project is developed by Microsoft MVPs in XML technologies and XML Web Services worldwide. It is aimed at supplementing .NET framework XML processing functionality available through the System.Xml namespace and related namespaces such as System.Web.Services. It is documented extensively through weblog posts. All the project's classes contain extensive tests to ensure its quality, as well as the peer review among this highly focused group of XML lovers. Mvp.Xml project currently provides .NET implementations of EXSLT, XML Base, XInclude, XPointer as well as a unique set of utility classes and tools making XML programming in .NET platform easier, more productive and effective. Mvp.Xml project supplements .NET functionality, but as .NET platform evolves some parts of the Mvp.Xml library become redundant. Beware that we will be dropping support for anything that become supported natively in .NET. Mvp.Xml project supports both .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0. While both codebases have much in common, they are different codebases. Mvp.Xml for .NET 1.1 is mostly frozen, while Mvp.Xml for .NET 2.0 is under active development.

Composite C1 BootStrap Carousel package (321 kB)
Composite C1 BootStrap Carousel package

NUnit for Team Build

Add support for NUnit to TFS 2008 & 2010 Team Build so that your NUnit test results are visible in the build log and incorporated into the data warehouse for reporting. Great for teams with an existing investment in NUnit tests, or those who prefer NUnit over other testing frameworks.

Active Statement Generator (moved to activestatement project)

!!!! Unfortunately, I must have made something really bad to the Team Foundation Server project, because I started having problems with semi-disappearing files on the server. I chose to move the files to the activestatement project !!!! I'm using this project both to handle a chore I have, as well as to learn a few technologies and methodologies I haven't had the chance to at work yet. OFX stands for Open Financial Exchange, and is a standard used by Microsoft Money and Intuit Quicken to download statements from financial institutions. This project aims to bridge the gap between FI which don't yet provide OFX files (also known as Active Statements) and those personal finance packages. It is fully extensible and relies on the following components: - a Statement Retriever (Clipboard is currently implemented in release 0.1); - a Statement Interpreter (currently Via Verde and BESnet credit card statements are supported); - a Statement Serializer (where the Statement is serialized to XML); - a Statement OFX Converter (where the XML is converted to OFX); - a Statement Action (where the OFX is opened in the finance package). Any of these areas is open for extension, through the use of a Inversion of Control Container, in this case, Castle Windsor. I also make use of LINQ to Objects and LINQ to XML and Regular Expressions. Release 0.2 introduces support for automatic scraping of the FI website for information without user intervention (BESnet only for now).

Package This

Gui app for retrieving content from the MSDN content service and outputting it as a .chm or .hxs help file.

Perfect Storm

Perfect Storm started life as a code generation utility. It now includes Model Components, Rule Engine details and a class loader. It requires .NET 4.0 to be installed.

SharePoint Search XSL Samples (809 kB)
This project is a place to share examples of XSL that can be applied to SharePoint search web parts. Products include SharePoint Server 2010, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Microsoft Search Server 2008, and Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express.

sharpcms (47,7 MB)
sharpcms is a lightweight open source content management system based on XML and XSL and written in c#

SiteNOTE .Net CMS (83,4 MB)
SiteNOTE is a simple and powerful solution to maintain web site content. With SiteNOTE CMS (Content Management System), you can manage, update or create the content of your web site, while preserving a consistent look and feel throughout the pages.

Sharepoint 2010 Workflow History & Task Custom SPField Column

This project was inspired by Marc D Anderson while attending Office365 Saturday event in Redmond, WA on February 25, 2012. While giving his presentation he mentioned that he created a solution to show tasks for a workflow via a jQuery dialog. Although I liked his idea, I hated that his solution was tailored for one client only, and could not be easily applied to any out of the box SPList. This is how this project came to be and I hope you can find it useful.

SharePoint 2010 XSL List Renderer

The aim of this project is to create a web part that allows the end user to easily select a list and apply XSLT to the resulting XML.

SharePoint 2010 Activity Feed WebPart

If we want to display activities from my site, colleagues or communities in SharePoint 2010 we have activity feed. However, the rss feed don't allow many customization and, there is limitation on branding as well. SharePoint 2010 Activity Feed WebPart overcomes these all things