ADOOR (9,0 MB)
Object/Relational mapping framework leveraging ADO.NET`s powerful disconnected mode. Supports an effective object query language based on relational operators including join. Adoor.Net is a .NET 2.0 framework based on both Eldorado.Net project and ObjectBroker project. Although it inherits many aspect from Eldorado, it also add several improvements (namely strongly typed collections).


learning , testing aspnet

crudwork library (27,9 MB)
crudwork is a collection of reuseable components for .NET applications.

Mini SQL Query - Moved to GitHub

Mini SQL Query is a minimalist SQL query tool for multiple databases is now on GitHub:

Microsoft SQL Server Product Samples: Data Programming

This project contains Data Programming samples released with Microsoft SQL Server product.


This project extends OleDbCommand class and allows use of named parameters as they are used in SqlCommand class.

Object/Relational Mapper & Code Generator in Net 2.0 for Relational & XML Schema (51,2 MB)
Framework for RAD against relational database (and xml), using a sophisticated, easy-to-use OO model (3-tier). Supports multiple database platforms. Uses generics and partial classes. Supports ADO transactions (doesnt require MSDTC). Includes a winforms Class Generatator for auto

.NET Unified Data Tier (Devv.Core.UniDataTier)

Devv.Core.UniDataTier is a generic and easy to use data access layer compatible with SQL Server, Oracle, OleDb and ODBC. Support for other databases (MySQL was tested in the early stages) can be easily added using the provided Enum and overloaded methods. Supports inline SQL and also Store Procedures. This is intended to be easy to use, not the most advanced data library out there.