ArcBruTile - Basemaps in ArcGIS Desktop (46,5 MB)
ArcBruTile display tiles from OpenStreetMap, Bing, Google, SpatialCloud and TMS/WMS-C Services in ArcGIS Desktop.

ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap (411,5 MB)
The ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap is designed to help ArcGIS users to become active members in the growing community of users building an open and freely available database of geographic data.

GMap.NET - Great Maps for Windows Forms & Presentation (393,3 MB)
GMap.NET is great and Powerful, Free, cross platform, open source .NET control. Enable use routing, geocoding and maps from Google, Yahoo!, Bing, OpenStreetMap, ArcGIS, Pergo, SigPac, Yandex, in Windows Forms & Presentation, supports caching and runs on windows mobile!

MapForge.Net (237 kB)
Mapforge filemap display. Mapforge file maps are build from OpenStreetMap datas.


OpenStreetMap2Oracle is a windows application, which exports OpenStreetMap Data (*.osm - files) in an oracle database. The geometries will be stored in oracle's SDO_GEOMETRY datatype. It is developed in C Sharp with modern WPF - UI.

OpenStreetMap Scout (1,7 MB)
OpenStreetMap Client in .Net Displays gpx tracks and OSM-relations on a SlippyMap. Includes also a OpenStreetMapApi to access the database.

OsmSharp (119,2 MB)
OsmSharp is a routing and OSM data processing library.

Readable Athens (Interactive Visual Noise Heatmap)

Demo application for Readable Athens art project Pins JPGs on map (using GPS EXIF info), shows at pin hover, louder noise closer to more text (*.jpg.txt OCRed)