AdverTool (Advertisement tool)

AdverTool is an online tool which integrates the most popular advertisement networks (such as Microsoft adCenter, Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, Facebook Ads, ...) to ease the management of online marketing campaigns. More information:

Google Analytics Controls (3,3 MB)
Since Google Analytics announced the data export API, it is possible to retrieve any data in xml format. This project provides various re-usable UI controls together with business and data layer. (.Net 3.5, Google GData, Iesi Collections, Log4net, MS Charts, MS Practices, NUnit)

patterns & practices: App Arch Guide 2.0 Knowledge Base (274,2 MB)
patterns & practices Application Architecture Guide 2.0 Knowledge Base project site.

Animaonline Weather API (1,1 MB)
Gets data from Google's weather feed, and lets the user easily view such properties as forecast conditions, humidity, current temperature and so on.

Bango Android Application Analytics SDK

Bango application analytics is an analytics solution for mobile applications. This SDK provides a framework you can use in your application to add analytics capabilities to your mobile applications. It's developed in Java and targets the Android operating system.

c2iGmailNotifier for Windows 7

This small application advise you when you receive email on your Google Gmail account. Full Windows 7 integration.

Calendar Sync + (Sync Google Calendar with Outlook 2016,2013, 2010, 2007)

Sync Outlook and Google Calendars (one way and two way). Metro application compatible with Windows 10 preview.


Catharsis.NET.Web.Widgets is ASP.NET MVC tag library, which provides useful social media widgets to include on web pages of your site.


Simple Google Charts API wrapper for .NET projects. Inspired by the Google Charts Sharp project on Google Code.

Chromium Updater

Keep Chromium up-to-date without being bugged. This program was designed from the ground up to be lightweight, silent, and powerful. Just set it up once and your good to go. It will prompt you only when you are using Chromium or there is an update.

Coded UI Hybrid Test Automation Framework

A blueprint of a Hybrid Coded UI Test Automation Framework which aims to eliminate hardships and increase its adoption across various organizations.

CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

Corporate News App for SharePoint 2013

This project is an open and free App for SharePoint 2013. This tool helps site owners to add simple corporate news client app parts in SharePoint sites.

Crystal (1,1 MB)
A Suite of API's, UI's, and Unit Tests geared towards the GData (Google API). Crystal is the alias for the WPF UI wrapping the GoogleLib created by mariocatch. View your Google contacts with this multi-account view of your GMail accounts.

Importing Google Contacts

This project demonstrates how to access contacts from a Google account, and use those contacts in an integration scenario. This example uses C#, and the dotMailer SDK

DotNetNuke Event Publisher

A DotNetNuke module that allows you to sync events based on data retrieved from SQL queries or existing UserDefinedTable modules to your Google Calendars.

DNN Google Hangout (2,1 MB)
This module for DNN allows you to add a google hangout to your website in seconds.

Zyan Drench, a game for Android (3,0 MB)
Zyan Drench is a simple yet very entertaining game for Android phones developed using Zyan Communication Framework:

Avesoft Free SMS Suite (18,2 MB)
This is a software to send free SMS with just a click of a Button. you can also send multiple SMSs at a time,save your contacts and many people can use this single software with maximum privacy(no one can get others contact or sent SMS info)..... Cool right??

Google API for .NET (8,8 MB)
A wrapper of Google API for .NET communities used some new technologies in .NET 4.