BD Simple Status (16,3 MB)
BD Simple Status is a straight-forward server up/down indication website.

DataWashroom - Database Clean up Engine

Provides a filter core of the data-purification system, includes the common functions of data isolation and waste separation by a simplicity instruction set.

microtwit (1,4 MB)
Small application for updating twitter status quick. it uses "Twitterizer framework".

Scrum Sprint Monitor

Scrum Sprint Monitor provides the Agile team with hands-off, always up-to-date status of the current Sprint, both at the individual and team level. It connects to TFS and is designed to run either on a large LCD screen located in a public area, or as a desktop application.

Sharepoint 2010 Workflow History & Task Custom SPField Column

This project was inspired by Marc D Anderson while attending Office365 Saturday event in Redmond, WA on February 25, 2012. While giving his presentation he mentioned that he created a solution to show tasks for a workflow via a jQuery dialog. Although I liked his idea, I hated that his solution was tailored for one client only, and could not be easily applied to any out of the box SPList. This is how this project came to be and I hope you can find it useful.

Threeter, lightweight Twitter client (16,2 MB)
Lightweight, fast and simple Twitter client with multi account and built in URL shortening. Compiled in .NET 4.0. The application stays at the system tray and can be activated using a hotkey combination. Press the hotkey, enter your message, press enter. Available in multiple languages.