AgileDesign Utilities Library

This library provides common functionality usable for most software projects: Logger - Asynchronous logging wrapper on top of new Microsoft logging class TraceSource with simplified API NameOf - Avoid using string names using static reflection Left(), Right() and NormalizedSpaces() - string extension methods Various reflection helpers See unit tests for usage examples

Ajax Exception Logging

The purpose of this project is to provide an effective Error Logging System for Client Side which supports multiple trace listeners.

Aspect Oriented Programming - Tracing using Log4Net and PostSharp (480 kB)
Aspect Oritented Programming: Tracing using Log4Net and PostSharp.


Apollo.Common is a set of libraries that implement common functionality required by enterprise applications. The emphasis has been placed on expected use by services and web based applications.

ASMX WebService Logger (263 kB)
This project provide a library to provide asmx web service logging mechanism, include when who access which web method, the detailed request/respond soap content.

ASP.NET Exception Reporter (based on ELMAH)

ASP.NET Exception Reporter (based on ELMAH) is pluggable application-wide error logging facility. Plug it in to your existing webapps, webservices, ... The goal is to centralize the different exceptions that are generated by ELMAH to one web application. It is developed in C#.


AzureLogProviders is a library which provides ready to use log providers for azure.

Basic MVC Template with Integrated Logging Features

Basic MVC Template with Integrated Logging Features.

HTML Batch Logger

This is a simple Log class that can be used in any .NET C# Console Application. You can use it to log into an HTML file, console window, or database.

Batch Scheduler using .Net 4, MEF and Entity framework 4.1 (Magic Unicorn)

Simple Batch Architecture written on C#. Uses the .NET 4, MEF and Entity Framework 4.1 Code First. If you dont need a scheduler, just use the sample code. Agents can be scheduled through a central database table. Plug-ins (or jobs) are launched through MEF.

BlackBox Event Log Framework (68 kB)
BlackBox Event Log Framework is a easy to understand, use, extend and multiple platform event logging framework.

Blammo.Net (1,8 MB)
Blammo.Net is a simple logging system that allows for multiple files, has simple configuration, and is modular.

ProjectBuildCounter (353 kB)
ProjectBuildCounter is a free stand alone tool autoincrementing NET project version (a counter) on each build.


This is a small logging library We created at to help us log exceptions. It write it to a text file and you can easilay open that txt.

Clog: Client Logging for .NET (22,6 MB)
Clog is a customizable log provider system that allows you to harness your existing logging system to log client side messages to your server using WCF. Includes Silverlight and WPF sample applications.


A collection of code in C# ranging from ActiveRecord, CSV, Configuration, Logging, Domain-Models, Repository, Authentication, Command-Line Parsing, HolidayCale


This project provides a mechanism to integrate the Common.Logging facade with Gibraltar Software's Loupe.

C++ thread-safe logging (2,4 MB)
Visual Studio C++ log library project: add to your project for thread-safe logging capabilities.

Dynamics CRM Plugin Logger

Dynamics CRM class library and solution to handle logging of errors that occurred in plugin to help developer/support in debugging and trace the error.

C# Distilled Diagnostics

The C# Distilled Diagnostics project provides .NET developers (not only users of the C# language), the ability to publish exceptions and associated contextual information to SQL Server 2005 while allowing them to develop additional providers such that the exceptions can be persis