Abide - Halo Map Editor

abide.zip (15,5 MB)
Abide is used for modification of Halo 2 maps, and other Blam engine games.

Cheescloth Security Monitor

cheescloth.zip (2,1 MB)
Cheescloth is a security script that is used to monitor and block email being brute force sent to your mail server by zombie machines in control by spammers and


cyphergame.zip (5,2 MB)
The Official Free Online Multiplayer Hacking Platform Shooter

Ethical Hacking ASP.NET

Security tools and guidelines for white-hat hacking and protecting ASP.NET web applications.

Micro-Apps Framework

MicroApps.zip (140 kB)
Micro-Apps is a revolutionary piece of software that allows you to have multiple programs running from 1 file under the same process!

PHP Vulnerability Hunter

PHP Vulnerability Hunter is an whitebox fuzz testing tool capable of detected several classes of vulnerabilities in PHP web applications.